Have you tried <record>?

This is what I use, for instance:

    <target name="init">
        <!-- start the log file -->

---- On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Dave Smith

> Hi,
> I'm running ant from an automated build
script, and I need to capture the
> build output to a log file. I'm using the
"output" property of the "ant"
> task to accomplish this, but unfortunately
the log file ends prematurely
> whenever there is a build failure. For
example, if the build ends with a
> compile error, the build log output ends
like this:
> build:
>     [javac] Compiling 7 source files to
> ... Ant stops recording output to the file
right before listing the compiler
> errors, which is the most important thing
for me to capture! 
> How can I make Ant capture the entire log
output from start to finish? Is
> there a way for me to instruct ant to use
verbose level output (equivalent
> to "-verbose" on the command line)?
> Here's the ant command in my build script:
>       <ant antfile="build/build.xml" 
>            inheritAll="false" 
>            output="${log.dir}/build.txt" >
> Thanks,
> Dave
> --
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