Hi Mark,

I'm using jspc just to do a syntax check of my jsp files during build.

Here is the releveant part of my build script:

   <target name="checkjsps" depends="prepare"
    description="Do syntax check on JSP files (compile)">

     <mkdir dir="${build.home}/tmp"/>
     <jspc srcdir="${web.home}"
       <classpath refid="jasper.classpath"/>
       <include name="**/*.jsp" />
     <javac srcdir="${build.home}/tmp"

Works fine on the first call, but doesn't recognize changes to my jsp 
files afterwards. The problem ooccurs only under windows (windows 2000). 
With linux the script works fine.



Mark R. Diggory schrieb:
> Christoph Kulla wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using jpsc (tomcat 4.1.12, jasper 2) with ant 1.5. After a "ant 
>> clean" everything works fine. jspc genertates java files for every jsp 
>> file in my project. But when I edit a jsp file in my project, jspc 
>> doesn't recognize the change and doesn't regenerate the corresponding 
>> java file.
> I'm trying to get jspc working in my build script in the same 
> environment your working in. Maybe we can trade some information. I'm 
> looking for a decent examle for using jspc to deploy compiled jsp pages 
> for my webapp. If you could show how your currently configuring jspc in 
> your build, I'll share anything I find out about getting it to update 
> jsp-java file appropriately along the way.
>> As a workaround I delete all jsp-java files before calling jspc.  Any 
>> ideas?
> One note I can tell you right now, I've used ant to deploy our cvs tree 
> into the webapps directory via "copy", I noticed that if I'm copying 
> files from a src directory to a deployment directory with 
> tomcat(probibly jasper as well), it doesn't recognize the file updates 
> as well.  This might suggest some sensitivity with jasper and file 
> lastModified times. I usually end up wiping the work directory.
> Sometimes I think the copy task is not replacing the destination file 
> with the new copy, sometimes I think the dates are not changing, I'm not 
> sure though. I take a similar strategy where I'm overwriting the entire 
> distibution.
>        <copy todir="${deploy.home}" overwrite="true">
>            <fileset dir="../../VDC"/>
>        </copy>
> -Mark
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