I had this problem with several jar files now:

I define my own tasks using the <taskdef> tag. The class file for this Task object is 
in mySpecial.jar, it uses junit and the junit
optional ant tasks. I specify all the required jar files within my taskdef:

    <taskdef name="myTask" classname="com.mine.myOwnSpecialTask">
        <pathelement location="J:/lib/mySpecial.jar"/>
        <pathelement location="J:/lib/junit.jar"/>
        <pathelement location="J:/lib/optional.jar"/>

When I try to execute my task, ant is giving me a ClassNotFoundException saying that 
com.mine.myOwnSpecialTask does not exist.
The jar file is fine however.

Copying mySpecial.jar into %ANT_HOME%/lib did not help either. After some hours I 
finally found that copying all the 3 jar files
(optional.jar was already there anyway, but junit.jar was not there yet) into 
%ANT_HOME%/lib as well finally made it work.

So 2 questions:
1. Why do I have to copy the jars into %ANT_HOME%/lib if I already specify them in the 
classpath tag for the taskdef?
2. Why does ant tell me it can not find myOwnSpecialTask in mySpecial.jar if the 
problem is really the junit.jar and some of the
classes in there which I inherit myOwnSpecialTask from?

I had a similar problem trying to use another user-defined non-standard ant task that 
was using xalan.jar. It told me that it could
not find some of the classes in that jar file even though the location of the jar file 
in the classpath tag was specified correctly.
Only after I moved the xalan.jar into the %ANT_HOME%/lib did it finally work.

I am using Sun's JDK1.3.1 and ant1.5.1 (downloaded today, 10/16/2002) on a Windows2000 
workstation. However, it looks like I am
having the same problem on Linux systems (same ant & JDK) as well. It is definitely 
not a permission / typo in the filename / etc.
stupid problem...

Is this problem a bug in ant or is the classpath tag within the taskdef not meant to 
be used for what I think it is?



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