On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Jaime Marcondes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> what i'm try is to make a dir resources into the jar in the files
> who hold the resources.  in the ant script i wrote
> <jar jarfile=....  basedir="." index="yes">
>   <fileset dir="${src}/resources">
>   </fileset>
> </jar>

basedir="." makes Ant include everything under the current directory
to your jar.  If this is not what you wnat, drop this attribute

And then I'm not sure, do you want the stuff below resources to be at
the top level or under sume subdirectory?  I.e. if you have
${src}/resources/a.properties, should that appear as a.properties or
as resources/a.properties or ... ?

The fileset above would include it at the top level.


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