Sorry for a mistake about the directory structure in the previous email!
But i don't think it is a problem with directory structure.
because abuild.xml 's components target
 (      <target name="components" depends="init">
           <!-- the following task won't work -->
           <ant dir="${b.home}/src" target="core"/>
will lead bbuild.xml's target core to running. 
The problem is when the build process gets the bbuild.xml's target compile,
the javac task tell me that it can't find some classes in the "castor.jar"
which i have defined in the task javac's classpath attribute and if i build
project b independently  with ant, it will work fine--it can find the
classes in the "castor.jar" jarfile.



-----Original Message-----
From: sunyj [mailto:sunyj@;]
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 1:10 PM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re: why does an ant task not work!

> The directory structure:
> --components------
>             |
> |----a------
> | |---abuild.xml
> |
> |----b
> | |---bbuild.xml
In abuild.xml:
   <ant dir="${b.home}/src" target="core"/>
but your directory structure is:
  | |---bbuild.xml
Where is src? Or the directory structure is below?: 

In general, the problem is related with directory structure.
Can you send most simplest environment which
includes directory structure as attachment.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ZHAO,YUN (HP-China,ex2) 
  To: List, Ant Users (E-mail) 
  Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 7:11 PM
  Subject: why does an ant task not work!

  Running "java -buildfile bbuild.xml" command
will be ok!
  Running "java -buildfile abuild.xml" command
will fail if the the previous command hasn't been ran!

  --project a's abuild.xml
  <project name="a" default="core" basedir="."/>
       <target name="init">
          <property name="a.src" ../>
          <property name="" ../>

       <target name="components" depends="init">
           <!-- the following task won't work -->
           <ant dir="${b.home}/src" target="core"/>

       <target name="compile" depends="components">
           <copy ...> 
              <!-- copy ${b.home}/build/classes directory's *.class to the
${} directory--> 
           <javac src="${a.src}" dest="${}" classpath="${}"/>

        <target name="core" depends="compile">

  --project b's bbuild.xml
  <project name="b" default="core" basedir=".">
       <target name="init">
           <property name="b.classpath"

       <target name="compile" depends="init">
           <!-- if the core target is called from "abuild.xml"'s components
                the ant will say that it can't find the classes which is
located in the "castor.jar" jar file -->
           <javac classpath=${b.classpath} dest="${b.home}/build/classes"

      <target name="core" depends="compile">


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