I believe by default, Ant is at level info, so you should see this level.
The warning level should always be visible. The verbose and debug levels are
visible using respectively -verbose and -debug. The info level can be
blocked by using -quiet I believe.

All the above is speculative, and hasn't been tested ;-) --DD

-----Original Message-----
From: scollins [mailto:scollins@;bea.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 1:45 PM
Subject: how to set level in echo task?

When using the <echo> task, a level can be set:

<echo message="Deleting drive C:" level="debug"/>

and the task would echo the message only if you run 'ant -debug'.

How do I use the levels "info" and "warning" since these are not options to


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