I know this is the Ant mailing list and
not the XDoclet mailing list, but I
hope people can help me anyway.

I am writing an EJB application that will
have about 10 EJBs, and I want to package
them in separate jar files. I also want to
generate most of the files through XDoclet.
However, I cannot get XDoclet to create
separate deploymentdescriptors for each EJB.
If I use this as my <ejbdoclet> target,

    <target name="xdoclet" depends="xdoclet-init"
          description="Generate artifacts from EJBs">
        <mkdir dir="${build.ejb.dir}"/>
        <mkdir dir="${build.ejb.dir}/META-INF"/>

        <property name="struts.base.class"


          <packageSubstitution packages="ejb"

          <fileset dir="${build.src.dir}">
            <include name="**/*Bean.java" />

          <fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="**/*Bean.java"/>

          <utilobject cacheHomes="true"/>
            <packageSubstitution packages="ejb"
          <weblogic destdir="${build.ejb.dir}/META-INF" />
          <deploymentdescriptor destdir="${build.ejb.dir}/META-INF"


I end up with files like Person-ejb-jar.xml,
Company-ejb-jar.xml, etc., but with identical
contents.  Then, <ejbjar> produces identical
EJB JAR files, each with all the EJB 
class files therein.

Furthermore, I have no idea how to produce
separate WebLogic descriptors for each EJB.

Has anyone successfully done this?  I'm using
Ant 1.5.1, XDoclet 1.2.0-beta1, and WebLogic 6.1.

All my Bean files are in the same package:
com.praxiseng.myproject.ejb, by the way.

Eric Jablow
Praxis Engineering Technologies, Inc.
301-490-4299 x. 131.

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