We have both. We try to keep the CC build as short as possible for rapid
feedback, and do more stuff in the nightly build, like running expensive
tasks that keep us informed about the health of the code base.

No point setting up a separate CC build (or AntHill I guess?) for a nightly
build when cron/at does the job OK. --DD

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Hatcher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 3:52 PM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re: Question about nightly builds using ant....

How about using Anthill or CruiseControl?  They'd take care of that for you.

Rahul Biswas wrote:
> I am trying to accomplish the following: 
> have ant based nightly build scripts which are run through cron job. 
> The nightly ant build script is a root ant script which itself invokes
other ant scripts (for different component) to do the build. 
> At the end of the build (successful/failure - which can be for reasons
other than javac ) I want to be able to send a mail.
> At this point of time...I have done this using two cron jobs, one does the
build other does the mailing, with the body containing the output file from
the previous job. Problem I encountered in a single ant job was that on
failure, the ant script would stop at the <ant > call and not execute the
mail task.
> Is there a better way to accomplish this ?
> I want to be able to flag my mail subject as Success/failure so that we
have the ability to filter out successul builds if wanted in the mail. Is
there a way to set a property on failure or any other way to do this one ? 
> Thanks & Regards
> Rahul

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