----- Original Message -----
From: "Sonnek, Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Ant Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 09:43
Subject: RE: setProxy with jspc

> Steve,
> <quote>
> It doesnt feed down to jasperc because nobody thought it should.
> </quote>
> it seems that any task that uses external resources should be able to work
> with the proxy.  working behind a firewall is such a common occurance, and
> the benifits of precompiling jsp pages is a huge bonus for me.  i find it
> hard to believe that there aren't other people out there requiring similar
> use.  i'm not an ant developer, but would it be possible to consider this
> an addition/enhancement?  i may be asking a lot, and i thank you for your
> patience.
> Ryan

no, go ahead, file a bugrep with relevant patch to jasperc.java to set the
appropriate sys properties when they are defined (And not when they arent)

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