Well the ejbjar task runs but ant seems to be skipping the weblogic task.
The output is a "generic" jar.  And when I don't put a destdir attrib in the
ejbjar tag no jar file is generated.

Anybody got a clue on this one?

Thanx in advance again ... X-(

Deacon, Garrett (DST-CLT) wrote:
> I am not sure if I am missing the Jakarta-BCEL library. 

Download from here

unzip and place the bcel.jar in your ANT_HOME/lib dir.

> I don't see any
> classes in the ant or option.jar files is it a seperate set of libraries
> if its so intgral to 1.5.1 why is it not part of the dist.  I must be
> missing something.

Not everyone who uses Ant will use <ejbjar>. Not everyone who uses <ejbjar> 
will need to have a dependency analyzer. You can avoid the warning by 
setting the dependency attribute to "none"

Ant does not bundle any of the supporting libraries for optional components.

This would make the Ant distribution massive.


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