long time ago i described the following problem to the list for the
<java> task.
Now the same problem comes up again for the <jjtree> task ?
Dont they use the same code for select the jvm ?
>When having fork=true the java task simply tries to create a proccess
>"java ..."  which will invoke 
>the java executable wich is in the PATH Env.
>I have JDK 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 on my machine and 1.2 is in the path. 
>Ant itself is configured by the JAVA_HOME variable (which is good and
>simple) but <java> does'nt care about.
>The same Problem arises with Ant 1.4.1 and the <javac> Task, wich seems
>to be fixed in 1.5alpha !
http://archives.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
apache.org&msgId=54514> &msgId=54514

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