Ok, I'm really losing my mind on this one.  

I'm trying to build toplink enabled EJBs, with no success.  The deployment
descriptors live next to the source for each bean (no meta-inf directory).
When jarred, the *.xml files go into a META-INF directory.  But the ejbc
process errors out.  I really think I've tried everything, so now I'm really

Below is a snippet from the build.xml file, the weblogic*.xml file and the
result of the target:

************* weblogic xml file **************

************* build.xml file ******************
  <target name="entity-beans" depends="61setup">
   <mkdir dir="${ejbs.dir}/entity" />
     <ejbjar srcdir="${build.dir}"
         <include name="**/ejb-jar.xml"/>
         <exclude name="**/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml"/>
       <weblogic destdir="${ejbs.dir}/entity" newCMP="true">
          <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>
     <dtd publicId="-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans
     <dtd publicId="-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 5.1.0 EJB//EN" 

************** target result ******************
[ejbc] ERROR: Error from ejbc: In EJB Attachment, the persistence-use
element was not specified or could not be assoc
iated with a corresponding persistence-type element for a CMP entity bean in
the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor file.

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