Where should the compiled JSP files be generated?

In this example it seems that the generated JSP files are compiled to the
normal WEB-INF/classes dir. But i know that tomcat genarates/compiles JSP
files in "work" dir. Will it not do this if it finds compiled JSPs in my
WEB-INF/classes folder?

Thanks and reagrds,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt Raible" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002 12:16 PM
Subject: Ant's jspc task - doesn't work on Tomcat 4.1.18

> I'm trying to use Ant's JSPC task to pre-compile my JSPs. I've used Erik
> Hatcher's example from Java Development with Ant. It works great when
> using a 4.0.x version of Tomcat, and the following jasper.classpath:
> <path id="jasper.classpath">
>     <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/lib">
>         <include name="jasper-*.jar"/>
>     </fileset>
>     <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/common/lib">
>         <include name="servlet.jar"/>
>     </fileset>
> </path>
> However, it doesn't work on Tomcat 4.1.17. I had to change the
> jasper.classpath to find the appropriate jars (they're in different
> directories now), plus I had to include ant.jar or I got
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/ant/AntClassLoader.
> Where everything works on the older Tomcat version, now it fails - what
> gives?
> compile-jsp:
>      [jspc] Compiling 8 source filesD:\source\appfuse\build\jspc\java
>   [jasperc] 2002-12-21 11:15:51 - uriRoot implicitly set to
>             "D:\Tools\tomcat-4.1.17\webapps\appfuse"
>   [jasperc] error:/common/footer.jsp(0,0) null
>   [jasperc] 2002-12-21 11:15:53 - ERROR-the file '\common\footer.jsp'
>             generated the following general exception:
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException:
>             /common/footer.jsp(0,0) null
> Also, what's the best way to detect if the user has Tomcat 4.0 vs. 4.1?
> Thanks,
> Matt
> <!-- ===================================================================
> -->
> <!--            Compile JSPs using jspc
> -->
> <!-- ===================================================================
> -->
> <property name="build.jspc.java.dir"
>     location="${build.dir}/jspc/java" />
> <property name="build.jspc.classes.dir"
>     location="${build.dir}/jspc/classes" />
> <property name="war.expanded.dir"
>     location="${tomcat.home}/webapps/${webapp.name}" />
> <path id="jasper.classpath">
>     <!-- Tomcat 4.0.x -->
>     <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/lib">
>         <include name="jasper-*.jar"/>
>     </fileset>
>     <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/common/lib">
>         <include name="servlet.jar"/>
>     </fileset>
>     <!-- Tomcat 4.1.x -->
>     <!---->
>     <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/common/lib">
>         <include name="ant.jar"/>
>         <include name="servlet.jar"/>
>         <include name="jasper-*.jar"/>
>     </fileset>
>     -->
> </path>
> <target name="compile-jsp" depends="deploy-web">
>     <mkdir dir="${build.jspc.classes.dir}" />
>     <mkdir dir="${build.jspc.java.dir}" />
>     <!-- create the .java files -->
>     <jspc srcdir="${war.expanded.dir}" verbose="6"
>         destdir="${build.jspc.java.dir}">
>         <include name="*/**.jsp"/>
>         <classpath refid="jasper.classpath" />
>     </jspc>
>     <!-- compile the .java files -->
>     <javac debug="${compile.debug}"
>         srcdir="${build.jspc.java.dir}"
>         destdir="${build.jspc.classes.dir}">
>         <classpath>
>             <path
>                 location="${war.expanded.dir}/WEB-INF/classes" />
>             <fileset dir="${war.expanded.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
>                 <include name="**/*.jar"/>
>             </fileset>
>             <path refid="jasper.classpath"/>
>         </classpath>
>     </javac>
> </target>
> --
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