I am trying to compile the tomcat side of mod_jk2 .
I have the PATH, ANT_HOME, and JAVA_HOME set in the .profile.

When I cd to the jtc.home directory and invoke ant ( ant -verbose)
I get a build failure.  What is the base.path supposed to be? Is that the
PATH in the .profile?

This is some of the output:

Apache Ant version 1.5.1 compiled on October 2 2002
Buildfile: build.xml
Detected Java version: 1.4 in: /opt/java1.4/jre
Detected OS: HP-UX
parsing buildfile build.xml with URI =
Project base dir set to: /usr/local/PM/jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.18-src
 [property] Loading
 [property] Unable to find property file:
 [property] Loading /home/pmqm/build.properties
 [property] Unable to find property file: /home/pmqm/build.properties
Build sequence for target `coyote' is [coyote]
Complete build sequence is [coyote, clean]

Project base dir set to:
      [ant] calling target [default] in build file
parsing buildfile
/usr/local/PM/jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.18-src/util/build.xml with URI =
Project base dir set to:
 [property] Loading /home/pmqm/build.properties
 [property] Unable to find property file: /home/pmqm/build.properties
 [property] Loading
Property ${base.path} has not been set
Property ${base.path} has not been set
Property ${base.path} has not been set
Property ${base.path} has not been set
[property] Loading
Property ${base.path} has not been set
Override ignored for property puretls.lib
Property ${base.path} has not been set
Override ignored for property puretls.jar
Property ${base.path} has not been set
Override ignored for property jsse.home
Property ${base.path} has not been set
Override ignored for property puretls.home
Property ${base.path} has not been set
at/util/net/PoolTcpEndpoint.java:120: cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol  : class ThreadPoolRunnable
    [javac] location: class org.apache.tomcat.util.net.PoolTcpEndpoint
    [javac]     ThreadPoolRunnable listener;
    [javac]     ^


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