
maybe you should simply create a target "clean", and make your build depend
on "clean"
in clean delete all your class files (there is a <delete> task)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 1:45 PM
Subject: build.xml

> hi
> what changes i have to make in the following build.xml to have a
> compilation of all source files, every time i run ant.
> <project name="ofsy" default="compileweb" basedir=".">
>   <target name="init">
>     <property file="../os.properties"/>
>     <property name="build.compiler" value="classic"/>
>     <property name="tomcat.deploy" value="${tomcat.home}/webapps"/>
>     <property name="tomcat.conf" value="${tomcat.home}/conf"/>
>     <property name="work.webtier" value="${tomcat.deploy}/ofsy"/>
>   </target>
>   <target name="prepare" depends="init">
>     <mkdir dir="${work.webtier}"/>
>     <copy todir="${work.webtier}">
>       <fileset dir="web"/>
>     </copy>
>     <mkdir dir="${work.webtier}/WEB-INF"/>
>     <copyfile src="etc/web.xml" dest="${work.webtier}/WEB-INF/web.xml"/>
>     <mkdir dir="${work.webtier}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
>     <copy todir="${tomcat.conf}/framework">
>       <fileset dir="etc/conf"/>
>     </copy>
>   </target>
>   <target name="compileweb" depends="prepare">
>     <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${work.webtier}/WEB-INF/classes"
>            classpath="${work.webtier}/WEB-INF/classes"
>            debug="on" optimize="off" deprecation="off"/>
>   </target>
>   <target name="docweb" depends="compileweb">
>     <javadoc packagenames="com.*" sourcepath="src" destdir="doc/api" />
>   </target>
> </project>
> --
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