i've updated my build script to use the pattern attribute, as suggested by
someone with a bug last summer.  so far, the build has been running without
any problems with the propertyfile task.  this could be coincidence, or
maybe i've been lucky today, but i might leave the pattern in for good

here is my updated task:
    <echo message="increment the build counter" />
    <propertyfile file="build/build.properties">
      <entry  key="build.number" type="int" operation="+" value="1"
pattern="000" default="0" />

if anyone deciphers the mystery, please let me know!

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Hatcher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 4:30 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re: propertyfile increments wrong.

For the record, Ant 1.4.1 <propertyfile> is buggier than 1.5.

As always, if someone can create a duplicatable test case for this, a 
fix should be easy.


On Thursday, January 2, 2003, at 03:03  AM, Chris Brown wrote:
> No, no such problem.  Just a simple on-disk project.
> I suspect the problem's related to java.text.NumberFormat or something;
> looks like at some point it starts formatting things incorrectly 
> (adding
> non-breaking space characters between digits such as "1 089" instead of
> "1089", but not always; sometimes it wrote "1089" as it should; I 
> correctly
> used the "pattern" formatting parameter which seems to increase 
> reliability,
> but doesn't make it consistently reliable).  For info, I'm using a 
> French
> Windows 2000 machine with Ant 1.5.1 and occasionally Ant 1.4.1.
> - Chris
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sonnek, Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Ant Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 8:15 PM
> Subject: RE: propertyfile increments wrong.
>> yes, the file is in cvs, but it read/writable and there are no cvs
>> operations in the build script to overwrite the property file.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Moon, Ed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 12:58 PM
>> To: 'Ant Users List'
>> Subject: RE: propertyfile increments wrong.
>> Is the build.number file under source control?
>> I've seen issues when the build.number is checked out, preventing an
> update
>> to build.number.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Chris Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 9:45 AM
>> To: Ant Users List
>> Subject: Re: propertyfile increments wrong.
>> I can confirm having seen this behaviour in the past.  It also occurs 
>> with
>> the buildnumber task.
>> I couldn't create a reliable test case either... Sometimes I could 
>> run the
>> same task as you around 1000 times without problem, other times just 
>> once
> or
>> twice.  And it was really erratic, because if I spotted the error, 
>> then
>> manually updated the property file to try and recreate the error WITH 
>> THE
>> SAME PROPERTY VALUE, it wouldn't reliably repeat itself... :-(
>> Look back through the archives to messages I posted around 18th 
>> January
>> 2002.
>> - Chris
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Sonnek, Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "'Ant Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 6:12 PM
>> Subject: RE: propertyfile increments wrong.
>>> thank you both for your quick responses!
>>> the incrementing of the build number occurs in my INIT target, and 
>>> all
>> other
>>> targets depend on this one.  each time i run the build script, init 
>>> is
>> only
>>> run once.  i wish i could write some kind of test case for this but 
>>> it
>>> appears to happen erratically, but i'll see if i can recreate it
>>> reliably.
>>> <echo message="increment the build counter" />
>>> <propertyfile file="build/build.number">
>>>   <entry  key="build.number" type="int" operation="+" value="1" />
>>> </propertyfile>
>>> #build.number property file.
>>> #Mon Dec 30 10:46:31 CST 2002
>>> project.minor.version=2
>>> build.number=90
>>> project.major.version=0
>>> i've included the script again and my properties file, if anyone else
>>> has any ideas. Ryan
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