> I have the following JAVAC task setup:
 > <javac srcdir="project/src"  destdir="project/class" 
 >            deprecation="false" 
 >            debug="true" 
 >            optimize="false" 
 >         fork="true"
 >         memoryMaximumSize="256m">
 >      <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>
 >      <exclude name="**/2222/**"/> 
 >     </javac>
 > The src in 2222 has been precompiled by another process and is in jar form.
 > The JAR is already in the classpath (ahead of the build dir).  
 > Why is this happening?  I've added a delete target to clean out this
 > directory prior to compilation. When 'listfiles' is turned on, the contents
 > of 2222 are not listed.
 > I understand that other files in the bbbb package are interested in 2222,
 > but how come the javac task tries to compile the source rather than looking
 > at the classes in the jar?

sourcepath="" in the javac task will fix this. The problem is that the
java compiler does only check whether there is an appropriate class in the
destination directory (not in the jar file in the classpath).

Jürg Wanner             Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pyx Engineering AG      Fuchsiastrasse 14, CH-8048 Zürich

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