
<jvmarg line='-Dlogfile="{$logdir}/buildlog-{@name}.txt"'/>

Kyle Adams wrote:

The quotation marks don't match up around here. Maybe you need to use

&quot; to escape them?

Typo - should be:

<jvmarg line="-Dlogfile={$logdir}/buildlog-{@name}.txt"/>

Per Stefan's suggestion, I tried switch the attribute to value - this
is from the post-XSLT buildfile:

<jvmarg value="-Dlogfile=C:\Documents and

I still ended up with the same error message - "-debug" yields:

Execute:Java13CommandLauncher: Executing
'D:\jdk1.3.1_04\jre\bin\java.exe' with arguments:
'-Dlogfile=C:\Documents and

It appears 'and' is still being split out as another argument. What am
I missing?


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