I've got an Ant document with a target that I only want executed if an
associated property is set to true, and NOT executed if the property is set
to false.  I set up the following property:

        <property name="produce.javadocs" value="false" />

In the target, I have the following code:

        <target name="javadocs" depends="init" if="javadocs.desired">
          ...make javadocs...

In the "init" target, I have the following:

        <target name="init">
          <condition property="javadocs.desired">
            <istrue value="${produce.javadocs}" />

When I run ant, I get the following error:

        The <condition> task doesn't support the nested "istrue" element.

Yet the documentation I have (and other mailing list items I've read)
indicate that <istrue> is a valid nested element of the <condition> element.
What am I missing here?  Thanks.


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