Yes and no...

If <style> accepted a URL instead of a file name, and you started Ant with
an ANT_OPTS that adds
(for example), and you have a
custom URL protocol handler like us (or the equivalent class in JBoss or
ClassWorlds), then you could specify the stylesheet as


Unfortunately, many Ant tasks accept only file names instead of URLs, just
like <style>... I think I saw a recent BugZilla entry along the same line,
probably for another specific task.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nau, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 9:32 PM
Subject: Loading stylesheets from a jar file (<xslt> task)

Does anyone know of a way to load an xsl stylesheet from a jar file
rather than a path off the basedir?

I would like to repackage the javancss stuff to include the stylesheets
in the javancss.jar then load the stylesheet from the jar in ant. This
would ease the issues of having to keep track of both the stylesheets
and the jars separately.

Any ideas?


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