Looking at your previous post it seems that the ant task is not able to 
find the eclipse java compiler.
One solution to make that run would be to start your ant script using the 
Ant runner provided with wsad.
to do so:
        java -Djava.compiler=NONE -cp startup.jar 
org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -noupdate -application 
org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile build.xml  %*

which is equivalent to run

        eclipse -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile 



01/31/2003 09:48 AM
Please respond to "Ant Users List"

        To:     "Ant Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Urgent problem (Thanks for any Help)

   Without going into details of the problem yet, has anyone managed to 
get the ant version running inside 
   webSphere 5, running from the commandline.   
   If so did they follow the steps laid down in the help doc    
   Or did you have to get further downloads, set more env vars or use any 
extra steps. 
   I have been stuck for almost two days on this problem.    
   Thanks for any help Tony  

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