On Mon, Nov 02, 2015 at 07:06:09PM -0800, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> I've been to Europe only one time, in 2010.  I had to buy a cell phone
> there to communicate, and when I did I was entirely surprised to learn
> that one cannot do so without presenting some form of identification,
> passport, driver's license, etc.  (We don't do that here.)  The inference
> I draw is that in Europe, even more than other places, law enforcement
> at least can trace a phone number to a particular person.  If true, that
> represents both a deterrent to fraud, and a useful assist when and if
> possible fraud in being investigated.

Please, don't treat Europe as a single jurisdiction/country/state etc.

Just to comment - last week I have been given a disposable sim card with
new phone number at the local student cafeteria without even asking for
it. In Europe.


gucio -> Piotr Strzyżewski
E-mail: piotr.strzyzew...@polsl.pl

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