In message <>, 
"Sascha Luck [ml]" <> wrote:

>On Thu, Nov 05, 2015 at 01:50:37PM -0800, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>>It has been well more than just one or two cases, and I suspect
>>that you know that.  Only one or two GLARING cases per month
>>perhaps, but over time it has added up.
>so what? the NCC has 14,000 members (or thereabouts) and there
>are however many end-users too. I still maintain that only a
>minuscule fraction are criminals.

Only a miniscule fraction of the general population are bicycle thieves.
Should we all save ourselves the time and trouble and stop even buying
bicycles locks?

>>I, for one, was not aware that RIPE (or RIPE NCC) required
>>businesses to "maintain ALL information about ALL of their
>>business relationships in a public database".  If you could
>>elaborate, I feel sure that it would be illuminating, for me at
>For any NCC member, you can easily enough derive from the ripedb
>who their transits are, who their customers are, who they are
>peering with and so on. You won't probably find out who cleans
>their toilets but that is not what I meant.

I quoted you word for word.  You said we could find out ALL information
and ALL business relationships, just by perusing the RIPE data base.

If you didn't mean it, why did you say it?

And I was really hoping for a minute there that that was actually true!
I was hoping that you could dive in and tell me who all of Volkswagen's
firmware contractors are.

>>>... All the mntner object does is grant access to change a
>>>ripedb object. It says nothing about who operates a resource or
>>>what they are doing with it.
>>The above two sentences are simply and demonstratably false.
>>I have the evidence to prove both statements false.
>Please, Ron, RTFM for *once* before throwing accusations about. 

It wasn't an "accusation".  I stated a fact.

I'm looking an a number resource which is registered to a bogus entity.
The mntner object reveals the actual identity of the party currently
controlling that resource.

>>Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to share that evidence just

Laugh now... while you can.


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