In message <>, 
denis <> wrote:

>On 06/11/2015 00:58, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>> In message <>,
>> denis <> wrote:
>>> This really does matter. Even with a valid RIPE ASN they cannot 'steal'
>>> RIPE address space.
>> Really???
>> If so, that's great news!
>> Did everyone finally agree to use only fully authenticated route
>> announcement protocols while I was sleeping??  Or is BGP fundamentally
>> still wide open?
>I am only concerned with the RIPE Database and making sure what is in 
>there is properly authenticated.

I understand.  I'm just highlighting that your goals and mine are

I want to be able to _identify_ the bad guys, no matter what they
steal and no matter what mechanisms or subterfuges they may use to
steal it.

Even if they are making crooked route announcements that have no
corresponding route objects in the data base, I still want as many
clues as I can lay my hands on to help me figure out who they really


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