On Fri, 2 Sep 2016 12:38:39 -0300
"Marilson" <marilson.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Herr Volker, me and Andre are only showing one type of abuse. I think
> you agree that we are succeeding. Marilson

Which is why there is a desperate need to define what exactly is
Internet Abuse, in terms of this WG.

Abuse happens all the time, in many forms and "we all know it when we
see it" 

As, people abuse shoes, their cars, each other. Abuse is too a wide
ranging term and many ISP have varying Abuse policies all based
loosely on their own corporate understanding of what constitutes "abuse"

I will give one perfect and practical example: TWITTER.com - does not
consider their own behavior of sending multiple unsolicited emails to
incorrect or wrong email addresses, as Internet abuse.

So, after my complaining in public, maybe Twitter may (or may not)
change their behavior, but that is one HUGE example and the examples
are millions.

Is it "Internet Abuse" when me and Marilson may or may not abuse each
other in email communications?

Yes, it is abuse - No, it is not Internet Abuse. - Much confusion about
what is Internet abuse and what it is not. So, again, instead of not
contributing, please contribute to this discussion and let us define
Internet Abuse... 

This is what there is thus far, please ADD, Discuss, Change, Improve:

Internet Abuse 

Understanding what constitutes Internet Abuse is not an easy
undertaking as the topic is sometimes very technical.  The Internet
consists of resources and the understanding of Internet abuse relates to
also understanding the use and interaction between these resources.

Examples of Internet resources include also processes, protocols,
credentials as well as other types of resources. More practical
examples could be Internet Protocol numbers, Domain names or even Email

This technical definition of Internet abuse does not include identifying
the authority for any specific resource as it is not intended to define
any rights to resources but simply to define what technically
constitutes Internet abuse as it relates to all Internet resources.

Definition of Internet abuse 

"The non sanctioned use of a resource to infringe upon the usage rights
of another resource"

Terminology used in the above definition

(1) Resource
Any Internet Resource

(2) Use and Usage
Any direct or indirect action involving a resource

(3) Rights
The correct assignment or allocation of a resource by the authoritative
holder of such a resource which results in the entitlement or
expectation to use, or ability to use, such an allocated or assigned

(4) Infringe
An action, event or situation which limits, reduces, undermines or
encroaches upon the fair use of a resource

(5) Sanctioned
Infringement upon the use of a resource by the assignor or
administrative holder of rights to a resource

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