On 22/01/2018 16:25, Sascha Luck [ml] wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 04:20:41PM +0000, Sascha Luck [ml] wrote:
>> it. (However, since I'm not sure the implementation process
>> cannot just change without my consent, I still oppose it on this
>> point, too)
> Actually, a question for the chairs on the PDP: Is the
> implentation plan a part of the proposal insofar as, should the
> policy be adopted, a new proposal is required to make changes to
> the process?

In short, yes. The impact analysis becomes part of the policy proposal
and therefore is also a subset over what the community has to reach

So any significant changes to the implementation would need to be
communicated to the WG and also their approval would be needed.

To be clear, the changes suggested in this conversation would absolutely
be seen as significant changes!

Co-Chair, RIPE AA-WG

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