----- On May 7, 2020, at 2:26 AM, Nick Hilliard n...@foobar.org wrote:


(And to you Töma, Peace :))

> Töma Gavrichenkov wrote on 07/05/2020 10:03:
>> What does GDPR have to say about this?
> You mean the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations / PECR.
> Spamming is prohibited under article 13.
> National transcriptions of this legislation have implemented this as a
> civil offence in some EU countries and a criminal offence in others.

Yes, and as long as the sender is safe in a non-EU country, none of the
EU "laws" will apply to them nor will they care.

It's the same thing as saying bad things about Thailand's king while 
shouting from a pedestal on St. Petersburg Square.

I don't know about you guys, but I have a very effective system for
dealing with this kind of crap.

It's called *plonk*.



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