In message <>, 
Randy Bush <> wrote:

>interesting wg to do routing security analysis.

To be 100% clear, it was not my intention that anyone here should attempt
to engage in any sort of "security analysis" with respect to the current
rather inexplicable routing for much DoD IPv4 address space.  I just
posted here because, as I said, I felt some folks here might find the
information interesting.

>as i do really not know the dod's or their proxy's motive(s), i can not
>say much about their tactics let alone strategy.

Neither do I.  Nor do I even much care.  It's their space.  They can do
whatever the hell they want with it.

The only reason that any of this is even intersting is because it all
is really rather bizzare.  Why did they even need to bother with a
goofy shell company?  It's silly, really, and it didn't actually hide

>is some random (small, i hope) isp using my address space internally as
>1918 equivalent abusive, beyond their customers maybe not be able to
>reach my network?  if so, maybe the vigilantes are looking in the wrong

Which "vigilantes" would those be, exactly?


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