
They provide lists / data – they don’t actually block anything themselves as 
far as I’m aware, so I don’t see what experience they’d have of relevance



Mr Michele Neylon
Blacknight Solutions
Hosting, Colocation & Domains
Intl. +353 (0) 59  9183072
Direct Dial: +353 (0)59 9183090
Personal blog:
Some thoughts:
Blacknight Internet Solutions Ltd, Unit 12A,Barrowside Business Park,Sleaty
Road,Graiguecullen,Carlow,R93 X265,Ireland  Company No.: 370845

From: Laura Atkins <>
Date: Thursday 20 May 2021 at 09:27
To: Michele Neylon <>
Cc: "" <>, "" 
Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] Input request for system on how to approach abuse 
filtering on Route Servers - bad hosters

[EXTERNAL EMAIL] Please use caution when opening attachments from unrecognised 
Spamhaus has maintained the DROP list, focused primarily on email abuse, for a 
long time now. I expect they can share have operational, policy and legal 
experience related to blocking and filtering router traffic in Europe and 


On 20 May 2021, at 09:03, Michele Neylon - Blacknight via anti-abuse-wg 
<<>> wrote:


But wouldn’t creating this list involve looking at the traffic *somewhere*?

Personally I’d love to see scummy providers marginalised as much as possible, 
but the “how” is important to get right.



Mr Michele Neylon
Blacknight Solutions
Hosting, Colocation & Domains
Intl. +353 (0) 59  9183072
Direct Dial: +353 (0)59 9183090
Personal blog:
Some thoughts:
Blacknight Internet Solutions Ltd, Unit 12A,Barrowside Business Park,Sleaty
Road,Graiguecullen,Carlow,R93 X265,Ireland  Company No.: 370845

From: anti-abuse-wg 
<<>> on 
behalf of Erik Bais <<>>
Date: Wednesday 19 May 2021 at 13:00
To: Thomas King <<>>, Erik 
Bais <<>>, 
Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] Input request for system on how to approach abuse 
filtering on Route Servers - bad hosters

[EXTERNAL EMAIL] Please use caution when opening attachments from unrecognised 
Hi Thomas,

Thank you for your reply and insight.

I’m not asking for IXP’s to look in the traffic.. I’m looking for a top 50 list 
of badhosts.. that is generated in a way that we as a community would feel 
comfortable with as a start.
Use that top 50 list .. as the ASn filtering, to get to a way of clean internet 
for the default Routeserver customer. ( secure by design / default )

If that customer would like to receive the unfiltered option, they could set 
that via the IXP portal in their member account and receive the unfiltered 
view. Or setup direct peerings ..

It is already possible to do this for someone if they know how to do it, via 
BGP communities or RPSL in the RIPE DB..
But the problem is that the list might not get updated .. and it is easier to 
do this for the whole group with regular updates, without re-configing all 
routers on a peering lan.

As we are now talking about this in the Dutch community, it should be possible 
to push this also to other regions .. and it should be open for everyone to see 
why they would be listed and what the qualifiers are that they are there …

That way we can avoid the real badhosts to pick out an internet exchange that 
doesn’t support filtering on this, just so they can push their bad packets into 
some networks.

Erik Bais

From: anti-abuse-wg 
<<>> on 
behalf of Thomas King <<>>
Date: Wednesday 19 May 2021 at 13:14
To: Erik Bais <<>>, 
Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] Input request for system on how to approach abuse 
filtering on Route Servers - bad hosters

Hi Erik,

This is a vital topic! You focused a bit on the Dutch community. However, I 
think it is globally significant.

We at DE-CIX are very active in reacting to abusive peers on our IXPs. We have 
disconnected peers who were (repeatedly) not obeying the law or the DE-CIX 
Terms and Conditions. I gave a talk about what DE-CIX does in this regard 
during RIPE75 (

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.

The European telecommunication law does not allow IXPs to look into peers' 
traffic on the application level (for a good reason, I believe). So, we do not 
know if a peer hosts malware or is sending out spam only. DE-CIX is only 
allowed to look into the operational data (e.g., Route or ASN hijacks) or 
behavior (e.g., unwanted traffic due to static routes on the Peering LAN). 
Based on this information, DE-CIX is acting.

I am highlighting this because I see issues if IXPs (or carriers and transit 
providers) are used as central infrastructure to filter data due to information 
they cannot verify or generate. Just think about the central DNS filtering and 
censoring discussion we had on a European level to stop certain abusive and 
harmful Internet services from being accessible.

Best regards,

Dr. Thomas King
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

DE-CIX Management GmbH | Lindleystraße 12 | 60314 Frankfurt am Main | Germany |<> |
Phone +49 69 1730902 87 | Mobile +49 175 1161428 | Fax +49 69 4056 2716 |<> |
Geschaeftsfuehrer Harald A. Summa and Sebastian Seifert | Registergericht AG 
Koeln HRB 51135

DE-CIX 25th anniversary: Without you the Internet would not be the same!
Join us on the journey at<>

From: connect-wg 
<<>> On Behalf Of 
Erik Bais
Sent: Tuesday, 18 May 2021 21:52
Subject: [connect-wg] Input request for system on how to approach abuse 
filtering on Route Servers - bad hosters


As I asked during the Connect WG today, there are discussions currently going 
on in the Dutch network community to see if there is a way to get a cleaner 
feed from routeservers on internet exchanges. ( by default )

As you may know there is an Dutch Anti Abuse Network initiative ( AAN ) –<>

The companies associated with AAN setup and all signed a manifest ( in Dutch -  ) that states that we will all do our best to 
provide a better and cleaner internet.

As members of the member organisation of the largest Internet Exchange, AMS-IX, 
we like to start with the discussion on asking the AMS-IX to filter certain AS 
numbers from the default routeserver view.
The issue is that even if you don’t peer with certain networks directly, the 
change is very real that you will receive or that the other network receive 
your prefixes and that you may not want to peer with those networks.

What we like to have is an independent way of generating a list with badhosts ( 
say a top 50 ) .. ( and with our Dutch infrastructure we have a couple on the 
Dutch infrastructure as well.. )

A couple years ago there was the list of HostExploit .. or one could have a 
look at the drop-list of SH ..
Personally I would like a proper model that one can explain why a certain 
network is listed on a certain list with a clear method explaining of what kind 
of abuse is noted in the said network.

Topics that should be included on the rating for the list :

  *   Phishing (hosting sites / domain registrations )
  *   Malware hosting ( binaries and C&C’s )
  *   DDOS traffic  ( number of amplification devices in the network compared 
to the number of IP address ratio )
  *   Login attacks / excessive port scanning
  *   Hosting of Child exploitation content
  *   Infected websites / Zeus Botnets
  *   Etc

So yeah, something similar as the Top 50 of HostExploit ranking .. but 
HostExploit stopped producing these lists in 2014.

By filtering a top 50 of badness hosters on the Routeservers would remove the 
cheap IXP option for network connectivity at the better Internet Exchanges and 
provide a way to remove any DDOS traffic via BGP null-routing via Transits.
And companies that would still want to peer with a certain network, can still 
do so by direct peering setup via the IXP infra.

And it will not bring the IXP in a position where it will be asked on why they 
are still offering services to certain parties .. as that might become legally 
difficult especially in a membership organisation.

So we don’t mind if we take their money as long as are not forced to peer with 
them via the routeservers.

Your constructive feedback is highly appreciated.

Erik Bais
A2B Internet

Having an Email Crisis?  We can help! 800 823-9674

Laura Atkins
Word to the Wise<>
(650) 437-0741

Email Delivery Blog:

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