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[Interesting when the thief is in your own house, eh,
Javier Solana?
Please don't take it amiss if the international
community, in the name of the rule of law and human
rights of course, commences to bomb your country back
to the Paleolithic Era.
After all, it's only because the successive regimes of
the socialist Gonzalez and the conservative Aznar have
denied the Basque people any modicum of elementary
human rights that NATO is reduced to the expedient of
murdering thousands of innocent Spanish civliians,
destroying your entire industrial base, plunging every
bridge into the nearest river, crippling your power
grids with graphite bombs, and leaving your national
landscape littered with cluster bombs and low-grade
uranium weapons.
No hard feelings among fellow humanitarians, I'm

Monday July 30 1:40 PM ET 
Spanish Premier Meets Basque Leader to Discuss ETA
By William Schomberg
MADRID (Reuters) - Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar met
the nationalist leader of Spain's troubled northern
Basque region on Monday in an attempt to narrow their
differences and focus instead on fighting the outlawed
separatist group, ETA.
But the chances of a breakthrough looked slim after
the two leaders, in the run-up to the talks, stuck to
their divergent views on how to end the killing by
Aznar received Juan Jose Ibarretxe at his official
residence in Madrid for their first meeting since
Ibarretxe was re-elected ``lehendakari,´´ or Basque
president in the Basque language, in regional
elections in May.
After a campaign when both sides blamed each other for
ETA's bloodshed, the Basque Nationalist Party's (PNV)
victory was a blow for the center-right Aznar. He had
hoped to oust the nationalists who have run the Basque
region for over 20 years.
A Spanish general died on Saturday from injuries
caused by an ETA bomb attack in late June, since when
a further three people have been killed in separate
attacks. An ETA member died last week when explosives
she was handling blew up.
Ibarretxe and Spanish government officials were
expected to hold news conferences after the meeting.
In newspaper interviews published on Sunday, the two
leaders remained as far apart as ever on the key
demand by Basque nationalists for the right to
``Ibarretxe should be clear in his mind that no part
of Spain will be segregated,´´ Aznar told La
Vanguardia, sticking to his unswerving line against
any moves toward a referendum on Basque independence.
Ibarretxe told the Basque newspapers El Correo and El
Diario he would not hold a referendum ``without a
previous agreement´´ with Madrid, an apparent refusal
to bow to the demands of the Spanish government to
drop the issue of self-determination.
Aznar's Popular Party and the PNV used to be allies in
the Spanish parliament. But their ties fell apart when
the PNV signed up to a 1998 pact in favor of Basque
sovereignty along with other nationalists, including
groups close to ETA.
Aznar accuses the Basque government of giving ETA
credibility by challenging the limits of the region's
The nationalists argue Aznar wasted a chance for peace
for refusing to discuss any issue other than surrender
by ETA during the group's 14-month cease-fire that
ended in December 1999.
Since then the group has claimed 35 killings, most of
them low-level politicians from parties opposed to
Basque independence or members of Spain's security
The breakdown of relations between Madrid and the
Basque government is believed to have hampered efforts
by the Spanish and Basque regional police to combat
ETA has been blamed for about 800 deaths since 1968
when it began its campaign for a Basque state in the
Basque-speaking areas of northern Spain and
southwestern France.
Opinion polls have suggested no more than 30 percent
of Basque voters want independence, but successive
Spanish governments have refused to hold a referendum.
A party close to ETA won just over 10 percent of the
vote in May.  

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