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["Reliable reports said militia men known as Kamajors or Donsos had attacked 
several villages, killing at least 45 civilians." - Of course, this sentence 
is buried within the text (compare this to the coverage of Racak!!!). The 
fact that the Kamajors are well known for receiving British SAS assistance 
and the tactical expertise of MPRI-type mercenary outfits that are active in 
Africa hasn't stopped the British press from focusing on RUF crimes instead 
and completely passing over those of the UK's allies.  This despite the fact 
that the government forces have violated most of the ceasefires and have been 
involved in all the crimes that the RUF is charged of (including amputations, 
use of child soldiers, rapes, massacres, etc).  Of course, the Kamajors are 
just practicing what their teachers know best, last spring the Brits 
apparantly massacred 30 villagers when "resuing" their own soldiers who were 
being held by the RUF.  Then again the US killed some 5,000-6,000 people in 
Somalia and this never even registered as a blip on the corporate media's 
radar screen, so why would these massacres of Africans by Western forces or 
their allies matter this time aound? Well, they obvioulsy don't.  Sadly, this 
is just another in a long line of silenced crimes and quiet victims whose 
dehumanization will be accepted by an unknowing world media panopticon.]

Tuesday, 31 July, 2001, 21:00 GMT 22:00 UK 
UN condemns 'callous' attack

UN will deploy in diamond areas in spite of 'blood chilling ' attack 

by Mark Doyle in Freetown 
The Commander of the UN peacekeeping force in Sierra Leone has described as 
callous an attack on civilians which took place recently in the diamond 
mining region in the east of the country. 

Lieutenant General Daniel Opande movingly told reporters on Tuesday that the 
massacre of at least nine civilians and possibly many more was one of the 
worst things he had seen in a long military career. 

Attacks on children have been an hallmark of rebels

They were slaughtered like chickens, the general said, by a man he described 
as a renegade rebel commander, one Demba Marah. 

He is from an apparent splinter group from the main rebel Revolutionary 
United Front, which has signed a ceasefire which the UN says the main force 
is largely respecting. 

Six-month-old baby 

The Kenyan UN commander said the scenes in the village of Henekuma had 
chilled his blood when he saw the remains of a murdered six-month-old baby, 
other small children and old people. 

The UN saw nine bodies in the village, although some reports say the number 
of dead was much higher. 

The war in Sierra Leone has been brutal
The assault on Henekuma appears to have been in revenge for earlier attacks 
on rebel positions by armed militia men opposed to the rebels. 

Reliable reports said militia men known as Kamajors or Donsos had attacked 
several villages, killing at least 45 civilians. 

Serious challenge 

The outbreak of fighting between the rebels and the militia men in the 
diamond mining areas is a serious challenge for the UN, which has its largest 
peacekeeping force in the world in Sierra Leone. 

The UN commander said it was apparent some splinter groups of rebels and 
militia men were not obeying the orders of their high commands, which were in 
favour of the ceasefire and UN-sponsored disarmament. 

General Opande said nevertheless the UN deployment would continue in the 
diamond areas. A force of several thousand Pakistanis is due to be in place 
there in the next few weeks. 


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