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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 11:34 AM
Subject: Anti-imp Camp: support all from of struggle

Anti-imperialist Camp to support all forms of popular resistance against globalisation

After the political earthquake created by the international mobilisation in Genoa and
by the massive repression unleashed by the capitalist Berlusconi government
(apparently being inspired by Pinochet's methods) the need for a common discussion and
reflexion on the perspectives of the anti-globalisation movement has been expressed.
In the main assembly, which was enriched by the intensive participation of the
international delegations, one thing has been made clear again and again: the only one
responsible for violence is imperialism because it is forcing poverty, misery and
starvation upon a growing majority of the world's polulation- just look at the most
appalling example, the barbarous and genocidal war and embargo against Iraq. Therefore
the popular forces of the camp reaffirm commonly that all forms of resistance against
global capitalism are legitimate both in the West and in the oppressed countries.

A special session was dedicated to the defense of the political prisoners which suffer
in the prisons of the regimes supporting the "New World Order". The delegations from
Turkey (part of NATO that pretends to be the policeman for human rights all around the
world), from the the Basque country (part of the European Union which pretends to be
the judge for human rights all around the world) and from Mexico (there the ongoing
neo-liberal social massacre is called "democratisation") explained their bitter but
heroic experiences.

Filipino migrants spoke on the importance of the struggle of migrants in the West and
their contribution to develop an anti-imperialist movement in the imperialist
fortresses themselves.

The African delegations called upon the world wide movement to support the
revolutionary forces on their continent who are fighting under very hard conditions
because of the social devastation brought by imperialist domination. They stressed the
need for African unity and to overcome both artificial state borders and religious and
cultural conflicts instigated by the Western rulers and their neo-colonial puppets.

The revolutionary women from Afghanistan sought to create awareness of the barbarity
of the Taliban regime which is actually being backed by the US imperialism via

Finally, utmost attention was dedicated to the new Intifada on which a report was
given by the forces of the Palestinian left. A strong Arab and international
solidarity movement was urged for to defend the elementary right to self-determination
of the Palestinian people. More than ten minutes of applause showed the tremendous
support of our international movement for the rebellion against the Zionist occupation
which is considered as a signal to the poor masses of the entire region and the world
to rise against imperialist domination.

Final international press conference
Saturday, August 5, 12 am
Italy, Assisi, Campo Fontemaggio

The rearranged programme Programme, July 31

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