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--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
> ---------------------------------------------
> Memo
> From: George Soros:
>  re: Kyrgyzstan: Recent events:
> Message:"Vilify the Kyrgyz police for being fired
> upon. Send money to the 
> shooters." 
> The New York Crimes announced today that George
> Soros Open Society was 
> creating a new branch called "Kyrgyzstan Rights
> Watch" to monitor police 
> brutality in Kyrgyzstan. "Police repression of
> minoritiy rights are becoming 
> a problem," Mr. D.U. Plicitis,  Chairman of this
> newly formed group said 
> today. 
> In other developments, Kyrgyzstan authorities
> announced that 4 biilion more 
> barrels of oil were discovered under the police
> station. "There is no 
> connection between Kyrgystan's oil reserves and
> Human Rights issues." said 
> Mr. Plicitis."We are only concerned about the
> development of civil society in 
> Kyrgyzstan."
> -------------------------------------------------
> This Discussion List is the follow-up for the old
> stopnato that has been shut down

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