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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nicholas Camerota)
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 01:22:44 -0700 
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>Keep an eye on SEN. BOB GRAHAM (D-Fla), a supporter of Star Wars who wants 
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>pre-emptive srikes” from space. - N.C.
 — -----------------------------------------
>News Article: Pentagon: Work May Violate Treaty
>By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer
>WASHINGTON (AP) - Pentagon lawyers have determined that the
>administration's work on missile defense may conflict with an arms
>control treaty as early as this winter.
>The finding was revealed Tuesday by Navy Rear Adm. Craig
>Quigley, a Pentagon spokesman, who declined to be more specific
>about the timing or type of missile defense work that could violate
>the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty.
>The administration hopes to avoid violating the treaty by
>persuading Russia to jointly withdraw from it this year, but if
>Russia refuses the administration will face tough choices in
>proceeding with missile defense work.
>The legal finding is important because some congressional
>Democrats, including Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed
>Services Committee, have raised doubts about approving the
>administration's spending request for missile defense activities
>that might violate the ABM treaty.
>The administration faces less of a challenge in the
>Republican-controlled House. On Tuesday the House Armed Services
>research and development subcommittee approved $8.16 billion for
>missile defense work in the 2002 budget. That is about $135 million
>less than President Bush had requested.
>"What we did today was the first step, the first passage of the
>president's missile defense program," said Rep. Duncan Hunter,
>R-Calif., chairman of the subcommittee. "We embarked on a new era
>of rigorous testing, and I think took a giant step forward in
>advancing the security interests of this country."
>House Democrats hope to cut at least $1 billion from missile
>defense when the full committee meets Wednesday to complete its
>version of the budget, said the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Ike
>Skelton of Missouri.
>In congressional testimony earlier this month, top Pentagon
>officials did not say whether planned missile defense testing and
>construction work in 2002 would violate the ABM treaty. On Monday,
>however, Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of defense, received
>the findings of an internal Pentagon group charged with determining
>whether planned activities for the 2002 budget year comply with the
>"They found some instances where there is at least a question
>in the review group's mind as to whether or not the proposed
>activity would remain in compliance with the treaty," Quigley
>said. "The next step on that is to take a hard look, discuss
>within government, discuss with other treaty experts as to whether
>or not we can arrive at a consensus on the interpretation and go
>from there."
>At some point soon the administration will have to decide
>whether to delay or scale back those activities which the lawyers
>say go beyond the legal limits of the ABM treaty. The other option
>facing the administration would be to withdraw from the treaty and
>go ahead with the planned activities.
>President Bush has said he expects to avoid these choices by
>persuading Russia to scrap the ABM treaty so that both the United
>States and Russia can proceed unfettered with missile defense work.
>Bush wants to make unilateral cuts in the U.S. offensive nuclear
>force as a means of reassuring the Russians and others that his
>proposed missile defense system would not threaten their security.
>He and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed on July 21 to link
>talks on missile defense to those on reducing nuclear weapons.
>Bush and Putin are meeting at the president's ranch in Crawford,
>Texas, in late October or early November. Bush plans to visit
>Russia, perhaps as soon at late November, U.S. officials say.
>On Wednesday, Bush was to visit the Pentagon for a closed-door
>briefing on U.S. nuclear forces and other issues, officials said.
>Quigley said the treaty compliance review group found that no
>missile defense activities planned in the current fiscal year,
>which ends Sept. 30, would conflict with the treaty. He would not
>say at what point during the 2002 fiscal year the administration
>would come into conflict with the treaty.
>Quigley said he could not discuss the compliance review group's
>findings because they are subject to change.
>"It is a tentative finding, it is very much a work in
>progress," he said. "When and if the government, writ large,
>finds that it will be in violation of the ABM treaty, then and only
>then is that the time to discuss that publicly."
>In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on July
>17, Wolfowitz cited three missile defense activities that raised
>potential problems with ABM treaty compliance. One is a test
>scheduled for February 2002 in which the data from several tracking
>radars will be combined, including data from a long-range radar
>located at the Kwajalein Missile Range in the Marshall Islands.
>The other two are:
>- Expanding a missile defense test range in the Pacific,
>including construction of five silos to house missile interceptors
>at Fort Greely, Alaska, starting next spring or summer. Under the
>ABM treaty, the only permissible site for missile interceptors is
>Grand Forks, N.D., and the interceptors could not be designed to
>protect all 50 states, as the Bush administration intends.
>- Using a shipborne Aegis Spy-1 radar to track long-range
>ballistic missiles fired as interceptor targets from Vandenberg Air
>Force Base, Calif.
>On the Net:
>Department of Defense: <A HREF=>http://<A 


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