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[When you get past the disingenuous window-dressing
about avoiding collateral damage - as though they care
about civilian deaths - the true reason for the Royal
Air Force purchasing 400 million pounds worth of
satellite-guided bombs becomes evident: "RAF
pilots...frequently returned to base with full loads
because the lasers could not penetrate could cover."  
They can't be wasting precious fuel without destroying
something or killing someone.]

Sunday Telegraph
August 5, 2001
RAF to buy £400m all-weather bombs 
By Macer Hall
THE RAF is to spend up to £400 million on new
satellite-guided bombs after its laser-targeted
weapons were heavily criticised during the Kosovo
crisis for failing to work in cloudy weather.
RAF pilots often returned with their Paveway bombs as
cloud often obscured the laser designator
Senior officers at the Ministry of Defence want a
weapon that can be dropped in all weather conditions,
accurately destroying military targets while avoiding
civilian casualties. This autumn, they will ask
defence firms in Britain, Europe and America to bid
for the contract to supply the bombs.
Tornado, Harrier and Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft are
to be armed with the weapon, which is due to come into
service by 2006. Air Cdre Alan Waldron, the RAF's
Director of Air Operations, said: "This is the
manifestation of the fact that we are learning the
lessons of Kosovo."
In a change of policy for the RAF, the bombs are
expected to be smaller than the standard 1,000lb
weapons used in the past. Air chiefs believe that less
destructive power but more accuracy is the key to
modern warfare.
Wg Cdr Peter Barker, who is heading the procurement
team for the project, said that MoD scientists had
carried out computer simulations to test the smaller
bombs. He said: "I don't think it is surprising that
if a precision-guided bomb is dropped with the
accuracy that we expect of it, it can destroy a target
as effectively as an unguided 1,000lb device. It can
also significantly reduce the potential for collateral
damage around the target area."
During the war in the Balkans, ministers claimed that
the "pinpoint" precision of laser-guided weapons would
destroy Serbian military targets but avoid civilian
casualties and damage to non-military buildings. RAF
pilots, however, frequently returned to base with full
bomb loads because the lasers could not penetrate
cloud cover.
Large numbers of unguided "dumb" bombs were dropped
instead, but an MoD report later revealed that only
two per cent of these hit their targets. While RAF
pilots were praised for their heroism, critics -
including the House of Commons defence select
committee - said that British aircraft had minimal
impact during the 78-day bombing campaign.
As a stop-gap measure, the MoD is already adapting up
to 1,000 of the RAF's laser-guided Paveway II bombs so
that they are linked to the Global Positioning System,
a network of orbiting satellites that provides data
for navigation equipment. The US Air Force uses a
GPS-guided bomb system known as Jdam (Joint Direct
Attack Munitions) designed by Boeing. Buying Jdam
would be one option for the the RAF.
Nick Cook, the aerospace consultant at Jane's Defence
Weekly magazine, said: "This is driven by the cost of
RAF experience in the Balkans. Satellite guidance
gives the ability to bomb in all weathers, which did
not happen in Kosovo.
"However, the RAF may want to retain some laser-guided
bombs because they are more accurate than satellite

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