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Public Information Notice (PIN) No. 01/74
July 27, 2001  International Monetary Fund
700 19th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20431 USA

Public Information Notices (PINs) are issued, (i) at the request of a member 
country, following the conclusion of the Article IV consultation for 
countries seeking to make known the views of the IMF to the public. This 
action is intended to strengthen IMF surveillance over the economic policies 
of member countries by increasing the transparency of the IMF's assessment of 
these policies; and (ii) following policy discussions in the Executive Board 
at the decision of the Board. 

Under Article IV of the IMF's Articles of Agreement, the IMF holds bilateral 
discussions with members, usually every year. A staff team visits the 
country, collects economic and financial information, and discusses with 
officials the country's economic developments and policies. On return to 
headquarters, the staff prepares a report, which forms the basis for 
discussion by the Executive Board. At the conclusion of the discussion, the 
Managing Director, as Chairman of the Board, summarizes the views of 
Executive Directors, and this summary is transmitted to the country's 
authorities. This PIN summarizes the views of the Executive Board as 
expressed during the July 13, 2001 Executive Board discussion based on the 
staff report.

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IMF Concludes 2001 Article IV Consultation with Albania
On July 13, 2001, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund 
(IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation with Albania.1


Sound macroeconomic management, supported by structural reform, has 
characterized Albania's performance under the current PRGF arrangement, 
although poverty and emigration remain pervasive. Policies have resulted in a 
significant easing of inflationary pressures and sizable reductions in the 
overall and domestically financed fiscal deficits. Strong economic activity 
continued in 2000, with GDP growth estimated at 7¾ percent. However, 
electricity shortages disrupted activity during the winter of 2000-01 and 
continue to threaten growth prospects. The external position strengthened 
further during 2000, reflected in higher official exchange reserves, as a 
worsening of the trade balance was offset by strong inflows of remittances. 
The effective exchange rate, which appreciated against the euro during most 
of 2000, has been stable in recent months

Fiscal policy remains on track, thanks mainly to a strong revenue 
performance. The overall deficit (excluding grants) declined to 9.1 percent 
in 2000 and targets for the domestically financed deficit-at 3.2 percent of 
GDP-and for total tax revenues were met. Fiscal performance so far in 2001 
has been in line with the budget. Improved revenue collection has largely 
reflected the implementation of measures agreed under the program, with 
reductions in corruption and smuggling. Despite the fiscal efforts of the 
past three years, the domestic component of public debt remains relatively 
high, although overall debt is below the average for developing countries.

Monetary policy has eased considerably since the beginning of 2000, as T-bill 
rates have fallen by 6-7 percentage points since the beginning of 2000. 
Inflation has edged up since mid-2000, mainly on account of rising energy and 
housing costs, but it is within the authorities' 2-4 percent target range. In 
mid-2000, the Bank of Albania switched to indirect instruments of monetary 
policy, with weekly repo auctions.

Significant progress has been made in privatization of state-owned 
enterprises, and much-needed reforms in the electricity sector have been 
initiated. The tender for privatization of the Savings Bank was announced on 
June 29. Privatization is moving forward in the telecommunications sector and 
has largely been completed in the mining sector. In agriculture, the 
end-December 2000 target for land registration was met. The Law on Executive 
Offices has been implemented and a registry for collateral property started 
operating in January 2001. On the other hand, delays have occurred in the 
submission of the revised Bankruptcy Law and the establishment of a mediation 

Executive Board Assessment

Directors commended the authorities' sound macroeconomic management and 
structural reforms that have supported continued strong growth and financial 
stability. Directors stressed, however, the need to build on these 
considerable achievements with further structural reforms and improvements in 
governance, in order to sustain rapid growth and alleviate poverty.

Directors supported the fiscal policy framework for the remainder of 2001. 
They welcomed the ongoing improvements in revenue collection, supported by 
the authorities' efforts to strengthen tax and customs administration. They 
emphasized the need to broaden the tax base. Directors also underscored the 
need for spending restraint, especially if revenues do not meet expectations. 
For the medium term, Directors considered that raising revenues would 
continue to be a key objective of fiscal policy so as to permit the needed 
expansion in social expenditures, while keeping the public debt within 
prudent limits. 

Directors commended the authorities' monetary policy. Interest rates have 
been significantly lowered while inflation has remained low, the exchange 
rate has stabilized, and official reserves have risen to a comfortable level. 
However, with inflation having edged up since mid-2000, Directors considered 
that further monetary easing was not warranted. They recommended swift action 
in case inflationary pressures intensified. Directors also noted that the 
exchange rate had appreciated in real terms in recent years and advised the 
authorities to monitor developments closely to forestall any adverse effects 
on competitiveness. Directors observed that, although progress had been made, 
financial integration remains low and dollarization high. The effects of 
reintermediation would need to be taken into account in any eventual shift to 
an inflation-targeting framework for monetary policy.

Directors emphasized the importance of financial sector reform. They 
encouraged the authorities to give the highest priority to the successful and 
timely privatization of the Savings Bank and welcomed the recent announcement 
of a tender. They also encouraged further efforts to promote financial sector 
competition, to develop the banking sector in all parts of the country, to 
strengthen bank supervision, and to speed up implementation of the Anti-Money 
Laundering Law. They encouraged the authorities to implement the 
recommendations of the Phase One Safeguards Assessment.

Directors were concerned by problems in the energy sector, which are a 
potential constraint on growth and which, because of the resultant need for 
subsidies, are a drain on the budget. They considered the rise this year in 
subsidies for electricity imports only a temporary expedient, pending 
urgently needed and more fundamental reforms in the energy sector, including 
measures to revise tariffs and improve collections.

Regarding other structural reforms, Directors encouraged the authorities to 
persevere with their program of legal and institutional reforms to improve 
governance and the climate for business and investment. Enterprise 
privatization should be completed, including in the telecommunications and 
energy sectors. The legal framework for the provision of credit to the 
private sector should be strengthened, and a bankruptcy law adopted. 
Directors commended the authorities for maintaining an open trade regime and 
for their participation in recent initiatives toward regional free trade.

Directors welcomed progress in preparing the authorities' Growth and Poverty 
Reduction Strategy Paper (GPRS) through a broad-based participatory process. 
They observed that, despite recent progress, Albania still faces severe 
institutional and infrastructural weaknesses, requiring a bold reform agenda 
for the coming years to secure rapid growth and to reduce poverty, which is 
especially prevalent in rural areas. Directors noted the role that support 
from the international community could play in this regard.

Directors encouraged further improvements in economic data, including 
national accounts and price indices, and in the accuracy and timeliness of 
data on foreign-financed capital expenditures, which affect the monitoring of 
the fiscal position. They supported technical assistance in these areas.

Directors noted the progress Albania has made in regularizing relations with 
its creditors and encouraged all parties to work to resolve outstanding 
issues as soon as possible. They urged the authorities to promptly eliminate 
remaining exchange restrictions subject to Article XIV of the Fund's Articles 
of Agreement, and looked forward to Albania's intended move to Article VIII 

Directors stressed the importance of a well-designed GPRS that identifies key 
expenditure priorities within the authorities Medium-Term Expenditure 

Directors looked forward to discussing a successor arrangement after the 
Annual Meetings and emphasized the need for close coordination with the World 
Bank in this regard. They generally considered that, in view of Albania's 
economic progress, and subject to discussion with the authorities, a blend of 
concessional and nonconcessional resources could be appropriate under a 
successor arrangement.

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