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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.Party leader lauds army's achievements

Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) General Secretary Nong Duc Manh on August
11, emphasised the need to build Vietnam's army into a loyal and reliable
force of the Party and people to ensure the survival and development of
Vietnam's socialist state, socio-political stability as well as economic and
cultural development.

Addressing an all-army conference held in Hanoi to study the Resolution
passed by the recent Ninth National CPV Congress, the Party leader also
lauded the remarkable achievements the Vietnam People's Army and its Party
organisation had recorded in the recent past.

Mr Manh, who is also the secretary of the Army's Party Committee, devoted
much time to analysing the significance of the study and implementation of
the Party resolution, saying that the most important issue was how to
translate the viewpoint and guideline adopted by the Ninth Party Congress
into reality. 

The Army's Party Committee must firmly grasp the Party's viewpoint and
guidelines while building Vietnam's all-people defence, reinforcing the
people's armed forces and the revolutionary army to fulfil the tasks of
national construction and defence in the new period, the Party chief said.


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