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[Courtesy of NATO, referred to in this dispatch as
"international powers," otherwise as the international
The same interNATiOnal community that turned the
Serbian province of Kosovo over to the tender mercies
of Hashim Thaci's and Agim Ceku's Kosovo Protection
But really, the *former* KLA officials are too modest;
with all due regards to the NATO expansionts'
indispensible role in aiding and abetting the invasion
and destruction of Macedonia, proper credit belongs to
the KLA general command in Pristina and Prizren.]

Kosovo Albanians Hail Macedonia Pact
PRISTINA, Aug 14, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse) The
political parties in the mainly ethnic Albanian
province of Kosovo hailed the new Macedonian pact on
Monday as step towards peace and stability in the
neighboring republic.
"We hope the accord will be implemented and create
lasting and stable peace, not only in Macedonia but
throughout the region," said Naim Jerlu, deputy head
of the Kosovo Democratic League, the main party in the
province in southern Serbia.
Ramadan Avdiu of the Kosovo Democratic Party said the
agreement had been reached by international mediation,
and said international powers would guarantee its
The Macedonian government has repeatedly accused
Kosovo of being used as a rear base for ethnic
Albanian rebel operations in Macedonia.
Kosovo has been under UN administration, with a
NATO-led peacekeeping force, since the end of a NATO
bombing campaign in Yugoslavia two years ago, sparked
by actions by the forces of former Yugoslav president
Slobodan Milosevic against ethnic Albanians in the
province. ((c) 2001 Agence France Presse) 

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