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----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 11:04 AM
Subject: Iraq: Jerusalem Liberation Army Set Up - Xinhua

From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 06:28:23 +0100
To: "Peoples War" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Peoples War] Iraq: Jerusalem Liberation Army Set Up - Xinhua

Iraqis Take to Streets to Support Palestinians

Xinhuanet 2001.08.16 02:17:53

   BAGHDAD, August 15 (Xinhuanet) -- Tens of thousands of Iraqis, in
response to President Saddam Hussein's call, took to the streets in the
Iraqi capital Wednesday afternoon to show solidarity with the  Palestinians
and protest against Israel's aggressive policies.

   Demonstrations began as early as 2:00 p.m. (1000 GMT) in some  districts
in Baghdad and are expected to end on 10:00 p.m. (1800  GMT).

   Mohammad Abdul Mohsen, 23, was one of the several thousand  Iraqis taking
part in the demonstration held in Baghdad's  northwestern Al-Shaab District.

   "Iraq and Palestine are one nation. We are ready to sacrifice  our blood,
even lives for the liberation of Palestine from Israeli  occupation," said

   Mohsen was echoed by Najma Zehra, who participated in the  demonstration
with her 12-year-old daughter Zena.
   "Since I have taken a two-month military training and I know how to to
use weapons, I am ready to fight," said Zehra, who was in her forties.

   Even her daughter, Zena, underwent military training for one  month,
Zehra added.

   "The demonstrations are to make clear to the world that we  support the
Palestinian cause," said Sadys al-Hamdany, an official  of Iraq's ruling
Arab Baath Sociality Party.

   A majority of the demonstrators, who were members of Iraq's  Jerusalem
Liberation Army, came by themselves, Hamdany said.

   Iraq has formed a 21-division "Jerusalem Liberation Army" in  readiness
to fight along with the Palestinians against Israel.
   Baghdad said that more than 6.5 million Iraqis have volunteered  to join
the Palestinians in their fighting against Israeli  aggressions.

   Saddam on Tuesday called on all Iraqis "who are able to walk" to go to
streets Wednesday afternoon to demonstrate against the  Israeli "genocide"
and show solidarity with the Palestinians.

   Saddam's call was made after Israeli army entered the
Palestinian-controlled city of Jenin in the West Bank early Tuesday morning,
destroying several buildings and two police stations.

   The deadly clashes between the Palestinians and Israelis have  killed
nearly 700 people, mostly Palestinians, since the  Palestinian intifada
(uprising) against Israeli occupation erupted  late last September.

   To show its vehement support, Iraq has organized a number of
demonstrations to support the Palestinians and condemn Israel.

   Moreover, Iraq has pledged 1 billion euros (some 930 million U. S.
dollars) to support the intifada, and has dispatched shipments  of relief
aid to Jordan, where the aid was supposed to be  transferred to the
palestinians.  Enditem

"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

"The Marxist-Leninist doctrine on class struggle and the dictatorship of
the proletariat affirms the role of violence in revolution, makes a
distinction between unjust, counter-revolutionary violence and just,
revolutionary violence, between the violence of the exploiting classes,
and that of the masses."
General Vo Nguyen Giap

"Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing"
Mao Tse-Tung

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