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CNN News
August 20, 2001 
Macedonia cease-fire under pressure
SIPKOVICA, Macedonia -- Government forces and ethnic
Albanian rebels have exchanged gunfire in Macedonia,
as an advance force of NATO troops begins work to
evaluate a cease-fire.

NATO's supreme allied commander in Europe, General
Joseph Ralston, is set to travel to Macedonia on
Monday to take part in a review of security in the
troubled region.

A vanguard of around 400 NATO troops arrived in the
country at the weekend.

If NATO decides the cease-fire is holding, a further
3,500 troops will be sent on a 30-day mission to
collect arms from rebels, known as Operation Essential
Harvest. A decision is expected later in the week.

On Sunday evening, rebels and Macedonian forces
exchanged fire in the village of Poroj, a police
official told the Associated Press.

"Our forces came under fire so the orders to return
fire were given," he said describing situation as
"rather serious." There was no word on casualties.

An ethnic Albanian rebel commander speaking on
condition of anonymity confirmed that "very intensive"
fighting was under way, but he did not offer details.

Hours earlier, the leader of Macedonia's ethnic
Albanian rebels said his fighters would hand their
weapons to NATO soldiers and honour the terms of a
peace deal.

Ali Ahmeti, the political leader of the National
Liberation Army, told AP: "We will give up all our
arms, because we will no longer have any need for

The rebels began fighting for more rights for minority
ethnic Albanians in Macedonia six months ago.

Ahmeti told reporters crammed into a village school
that he had begun contacts with the NATO advance team.

He insisted the rebels were willing to give up the
territory they had gained for the sake of ensuring the
peace deal worked.

Civilians blockaded the main road to the border in the
town of Stenkovac for a second day on Sunday,
preventing NATO-led peacekeepers from traveling in and
out of Kosovo. The support base for peacekeepers in
Kosovo is located in Macedonia.

Observers say many Macedonians blame NATO for their
troubles because they say the alliance failed to stop
weapons and supplies from Kosovo that are widely
believed to be supporting rebel forces.


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