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This is in fact not new, only now more specific. it's
atheme which has been pounded out on the Whitehall
propaganda drums regularly at invervals for about the
past year.

--- Miroslav Antic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
> ---------------------------------------------
> Dear friends,
> Having just met with Chris Black, who heads
> Milosevic's legal team, I
> can say 
> with conviction: the 'Telegraph' claim that
> Milosevic would 'defend'
> himself 
> by repeating the Western media's slanders of him -
> some defense! - is a 
> complete fabrication, pure disinformation.  Please
> forward this denial
> to all 
> to whom you may have sent the Telegraph's lies!! 
> The 'Telegraph' telegraphed this same bullshit a
> month or so ago, and I 
> refuted it in the following article:
> The URL for this article is
> * [Emperor's Clothes]
> The excerpt below is from the London 'Telegraph.'
> This newspaper has no 
> connection with the Belgrade 'Telegraph' which
> published a transcript of
> an 
> alleged phone conversation between Serbian Prime
> Minister Djindjic and 
> Yugoslav President Kostunica before they illegally
> kidnapped President 
> Milosevic. (1)
> The London 'Telegraph' article is educational for it
> demonstrates the
> extent 
> to which the media spreads pro-Washington
> misinformation about the
> Serbian 
> people in general and Slobodan Milosevic in
> particular. (2)
> The 'Telegraph' writers claim they have spoken to
> Milosevic lawyers and 
> ferreted out details of Mr. Milosevic's legal
> strategy. This is
> remarkable 
> since Milosevic's Legal Defence team has not yet
> been assembled. That
> is, 
> there is no lawyer in the world from whom they could
> have ferreted.
> These 
> details of strategy are purely fictional.
> According to the 'Telegraph,' Mr. Milosevic will
> make the following
> argument: 
> "Sure I did bad things, but British leaders helped
> me." According to the
> 'Telegraph,' in this way Milosevic will show that
> "NATO is guilty" and,
> adds 
> the 'Telegraph,' NATO leaders are very nervous.
> Sure they are.
> I can tell you one thing with certainty. The
> "Yes-I-am-bad-but-you 
> helped-me-do-it-so-you're-guilty-too" argument will
> NOT be part of Mr. 
> Milosevic's legal strategy.
> For years, outrageous actions by NATO were preceded
> by a kind of 
> mock-criticism in the press. Media pundits would
> attack the Serbs for
> some 
> atrocity, invariably fictitious. They would then
> castigate this or that
> government (particularly the governments of the U.S.
> and England) for
> failing 
> to take sufficiently strong action against the
> 'Serbian monsters.' 
> Since people tend to identify with anti-governmental
> critics, this
> approach 
> has the beauty of producing public support for even
> harsher government 
> actions in the guise of attacking uncaring
> officials. 
> When the NATO governments proceeded to take harsh,
> unfair and
> unjustified 
> actions against the Serbs, the ground had been
> prepared. Instead of
> being 
> furious at the blatant imperialism of NATO
> intervention, a section of
> the 
> public thought, "Well it's about time they did
> something about those
> Serb 
> fascists. Better late than never."
> Now the 'Telegraph' is suggesting that Mr. Milosevic
> will use the same
> sort 
> of argument, though in retroactive form, saying,
> "Who are they to preach
> about war crimes? While I was committing all those
> war crimes they sat
> on 
> their hands or even helped me." If Mr. Milosevic
> were to adopt such an 
> approach, he would accomplish two things for NATO.
> First he would agree
> that 
> he (and of course the Serbian people) was guilty as
> charged. Second, he
> would 
> justify NATO's most aggressive actions. And third,
> such a defence would
> be 
> devastating to those who want to use this 'trial' to
> attack NATO and the
> Tribunal and clear the name of the Serbs. 
> For the record, I have contacted a representative of
> the Socialist Party
> of 
> Serbia. Speaking for the Head Committee, he had the
> following comment
> about 
> the 'Telegraph's' claims: 
> "This, and you may quote me, is *expletive meaning
> horse manure*." (SPS 
> spokesman, interviewed by phone, 1 July 2001)
> When Mr. Milosevic was being 'processed' at The
> Hague. He reportedly
> said:
> "I am not afraid of the Hague tribunal...that is no
> court but a political circus aimed at jeopardizing
> the Serb
> people....And let 
> me tell you one thing - you are not arresting me,
> you are kidnapping me
> and 
> you will answer for your crimes. Drop the
> buffoonery, let's hurry up."
> ('AP,' 
> 30 June 2001)
> I contacted Chris Black, Chairman of the Lawyers
> section of the
> International 
> Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic. (3) Mr.
> Black suggests that,
> based on 
> common sense, and knowing Mr. Milosevic's political
> principles, one
> might 
> expect the following legal defence:
> 1) The Hague is a tool illegally created by the UN
> Security Council
> under 
> orders of Washington; it functions in violation of
> all legal standards
> to 
> demonize and brutalize Serbian leaders and the
> Serbian people. 
> 2) NATO and its proxy forces are the ones guilty of
> war crimes. Covering
> this 
> up is a key function of the Tribunal.
> 3) The media has systematically lied, slandering the
> Serbian people, in 
> coordination with NATO and its solely owned
> subsidiary, the Tribunal.
=== message truncated ===

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