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This is forwarded from the International Committee to Defend Slobodan
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Dear friends,

The following story from the 'Washington Post' is relatively accurate.
(There are a few of the usual slanders; for example, the phrase "where
he plotted strategy for four Balkans wars" gives the impression that it
was Milosevic who ripped apart Yugoslavia, rather than Washington,
Berlin and London, which are now trying to destroy Macedonia.)   The
ICDSM is proud to have gotten a good deal of accurate information into
the international press. Of course, the key to this is Milosevic's
refusal to crawl before the 'Tribunal.'- Jared Israel, Vice Chairman,

 THE WASHINGTON POST, Friday, August 17, 2001; Page A18

In an Office Behind Bars, Milosevic Plots Defense
Former Yugoslav Leader to Challenge U.N. Court

By Keith B. Richburg Washington Post Foreign Service

PARIS, Aug. 16 -- Far from the presidential palace in Belgrade where he
plotted strategy for four Balkan wars, former Yugoslav president
Slobodan Milosevic spends his days in a Dutch prison cell poring over
documents, meeting lawyers and planning ways to challenge -- and, he
hopes, discredit -- the international court that will decide what his
future will hold.

According to people who have met him in prison, Milosevic has no
intention of recognizing the U.N. International Criminal Tribunal for
the former Yugoslavia, which he considers a puppet of NATO and the
Western powers that helped topple him. But they say Milosevic is
nonetheless immersing himself in details of the charges against him,
crimes against humanity during the war in Kosovo in 1999.

Milosevic, who holds a law degree, intends to represent himself so he
can use his trial as a world-televised forum to blame NATO for what
happened in Kosovo, a province of Serbia that since the war has become a
NATO and U.N. protectorate. His next court appearance is scheduled for
Aug. 30. The trial itself has not been scheduled.

"He's going to make it a political trial, and he's going to put NATO on
trial," said Nico Varkevesser, a Dutch journalist who is coordinating
the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic, a group of
lawyers, academics and journalists.

Milosevic has been visited by his wife and closest political confidant,
Mira Markovic. In a recent interview she said she talks with him by
phone most every day. After an initial period of isolation, he has begun
to mingle with some of his 39 fellow inmates, who include Croats,
Muslims and Serbs.

Visitors say Milosevic continues to argue that he did nothing wrong in
Kosovo. In his mind, his moves against the rebel Kosovo Liberation Army
were a legitimate effort to stop armed separatists from carving off a
historic part of Serbia, the dominant republic of Yugoslavia. NATO's
bombing of Kosovo to drive out the Yugoslav army and Serbian security
forces is what led hundreds of thousands of ethnic Albanians to flee
Kosovo, he contends, not ethnic cleansing and repression. He insists he
tried to rein in security forces involved in atrocities against ethnic
Albanians in Kosovo, even disciplining some units -- a claim he could
use in his defense if he decides to mount one.

Christopher Black, a Canadian lawyer who heads the legal subcommittee of
the Milosevic defense group, said the former president complained to him
during a meeting last month that "people don't know anything about
Yugoslav history, Serbian history." Milosevic's account of massacres
committed by Yugoslav forces is that "whenever certain units in the
field committed atrocities in the field, he did everything he could to
stop it," Black said. "He says they can't prove anything different from
that. . . . He thinks he's got a good case, and I do, too."

Milosevic could raise all these points if he decides to offer a formal
defense. He would also have the right to call witnesses --
theoretically, he could call people such as former U.N. ambassador
Richard C. Holbrooke, former secretary of state Madeleine K. Albright
and former NATO commander Gen. Wesley Clark.

"He can even call Clinton to testify," said Varkevesser.

The judges who must decide on Milosevic's requests "are going to be very
wary of the subpoena power being abused," said a veteran defense lawyer
who has appeared before the court. "But, especially if he's defending
himself, they will be bending over backward to be seen to be fair. He
could make things very, very difficult for them."

Since they are out of office now, Clinton administration people,
including the former president, would have no immunity against
testifying, the lawyer said.

At the moment, though, Varkevesser said, there are no plans to subpoena
witnesses because Milosevic's first line of defense will be to claim in
a Dutch court that his detention in the Netherlands violates Dutch and
international law. That claim, Varkevesser said, will end up in the
European Court of Human Rights, "and there we have a lot of East
European judges who are sympathetic."

Serbian officials put Milosevic on a plane to The Hague despite a
Yugoslav court order that any extradition be delayed.

"The way he was brought to the tribunal was not only a violation of
Yugoslav law, but also the Dutch constitution," said Varkevesser.

Varkevesser added that Milosevic's strategy of not recognizing the
tribunal must cause worry for the prosecutors and judges.

"This is something they are concerned about -- Milosevic is not playing
the game by their rules," he said.

Tribunal officials have repeatedly warned Milosevic that representing
himself will be risky in such a complex case. "We hope he decides to
hire a proper legal defense team," Jim Landale, the tribunal spokesman,

Milosevic has been allowed to confer confidentially with legal advisers.
Among them is a former U.S. attorney general, Ramsey Clark, another
member of the defense group, who told reporters after the visit that
Milosevic "is a person who is used to speaking for himself, and he will
speak for himself."

Clark predicted a "very powerful defense."

Black said that when he met Milosevic, the ex-president was wearing a
blue sports jacket and a white shirt with no necktie. "His morale is
quite good," he said. "He's feisty. He's a guy who is not going to

C 2001 The Washington Post Company 

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