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Sorry guys, but you are missing the humour of this story. Miloshevic
actually bought a calling card in the local prison shop.  Then, he
called from a public telephone in front of his cell a Fox TV station in
the US or Europe. He, then waited dully to be connected to a journalist
who performed the interview.  All in front of a couple of burly prison
guards who were not told by their crooked judges and prison officials
that he is not allowed to do this.

Plus, after the event he told the crooked judge that now he understands
(of course, as an authoritarian bully usually demands - crystal clear)
that he is not supposed to give TV interviews as a prisoner. He is a
lawyer, but he did not know this, you know.

Finally, he made asses of the crooked judges and their charade court.
Yet the judges were stupid enough to make their irritation (and own
stupidity) public.

Milosevic will not repeat this again.  But, I bet he will find some
other way to make monkeys and asses of them (pity, we diminish these
poor, good natured animals by comparing them with this refuse of
humanity - NATO judges).

What a hilarious piece de resistance from a typical Serb.
See, this is why the Germans hate Serbs so much.

I am still laughing.  But, they may kill him and make
it look a suicide if they lose patience with a Serb
who is not scared and is just not playing by their rules.


> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Gregory Elich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 11:07 AM
> >To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
> >Subject: Milosevic Threatened with Loss of Privileges After Giving 
> >U.S. Television Interview
> >
> >Associated Press
> >August 24, 2001
> >
> >
> >By Anthony Deutsch, Associated Press
> >
> >Amsterdam, Netherlands (AP) Former Yugoslav President Slobodan 
> >Milosevic was warned Friday that he could lose jail privileges after 
> >he gave an unauthorized interview to Fox television.
> >
> >Fox said Milosevic initiated the interview by phoning the station 
> >from a telephone just outside his cell at the U.N. detention unit at 
> >The Hague, where he is awaiting trial for alleged war crimes against 
> >Kosovo Albanians in 1999.
> >
> >''We found out that he had spoken with a journalist in violation with

> >the rules of detention and he has been warned that if there was to be

> >a repetition that it could result in a withdrawal of all 
> >privileges,'' said Jim Landale, spokesman for the Yugoslav war crimes

> >tribunal. ''The situation is crystal clear to him.''
> >
> >Fox said in an e-mail that Milosevic was surrounded by guards during 
> >the phone call, but they did not intervene.
> >
> >Landale said he could not confirm the circumstances of the call. He 
> >called the incident ''regrettable'' and said Milosevic had claimed he

> >was unaware he had broken rules by giving the interview.
> >
> >Landale said Milosevic could forfeit his communications privileges, 
> >except with an attorney present. Detainees are normally free to buy 
> >prepaid telephone cards at the prison store.
> >
> >Milosevic is known to frequently telephone family, supporters and 
> >leaders of his political party in Belgrade.
> >
> >According to a transcript of the interview, Milosevic again charged 
> >that the tribunal is illegitimate and denied Serb forces had 
> >systematically committed
> >war crimes.
> >
> >''There are individual crimes, but there was clear order that any 
> >crime has to be punished immediately and whoever did it have to be 
> >arrested,'' he said.
> >
> >As proof, ''more than 500 different individuals were arrested by the 
> >police or the army,'' he said. Crimes ''were consequences of chaotic 
> >situation created by massive bombing of NATO.''
> >
> >Milosevic was transferred to the tribunal June 28 from Belgrade, 
> >where he had been arrested in April on charges of abuse of power and 
> >corruption during his 13-year rule. The former leader declined to 
> >enter a plea or appoint lawyers to defend him against the war crimes 
> >accusations, and the judges entered innocent pleas to all the 
> >charges.
> >
> >Asked in the interview if he regretted the tens of thousands of 
> >people killed during the Balkan wars, Milosevic said: ''All of us are

> >sorry for the death of any person all around the world.''
> >
> >Milosevic said he had always acted in the interest of a united 
> >Yugoslavia, and expressed confidence in his public support back home.
> >
> >''I have very, very wide and very strong support within my people,'' 
> >he said. ''So, they understand how they have brought that puppet 
> >regime now in Belgrade with those stolen elections and they 
> >understand that that is the way to occupy Yugoslavia, and everything 
> >is now worse than it was before.''
> >
> >Milosevic, who was ousted from power in October, was succeeded by 
> >President Vojislav Kostunica.

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