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"Bound & Overwatch - The Military Observer

NATO's Collective Guilt

By J. David Galland

August 10, 2001

The old adage, those who live in glass houses ought not throw stones, 
to mind.  Or perhaps, let he who is totally without fault cast 
aspersions.  When Slobodan Milosevic stands in the "accused" box before 
war crimes tribunal, we may all, well, travel back to the early lessons 
our childhood.  The rule of right and wrong, and the ever-present law of 

reciprocity, never really go out of style, age and wither, or fall 
to a statute of limitations.

Many Western leaders, politicians, and otherwise self-effacing 
may be in for quite a surprise within the next few months.  As is 
the world seeks to hold Slobodan Milosevic responsible for just about 
everything that is wrong in the Balkans.  However, the roots of 
and responsibility extend far beyond the shaky borders of The Former 

These tentacles extend well into Washington D. C., London, Bonn, Berlin, 

and Brussels.  It is there, where the cleverly concealed skullduggeries 
common.  Where wise men espouse righteousness and retribution against 
others, save their own comeuppance.  They, in their pompous perfection 
adept at ignoring their own tainted vices.  Their transgressions and 
night dealing have enormously contributed to give the world; Yugoslavia 
what it is today.  It is a foundering torso without arms or legs, devoid 
hearing and the sense to taste, left only with the withering capability 
smell its own rot with barely functioning olfactory autonomy.

It is thoroughly ironic that several of the nations supporting the U. N. 

war-crimes tribunal in The Hague, were also very ardent supporters of 
Croatian and the Bosnian Muslims.  Where does the line get crossed, 
can implicit guilt and complicity be established?  Does a Western 
in this case, bear responsibility for the foreign policies of his or her 

country?  Are the actions of supporting foreign insurgencies, equipping 
side and denying armament to the other, and conducing protracted bombing 

campaigns involvement enough by an individual?  I assert that it is, and 

Milosevic will not be the benefactor of any measure of fair 
if he, and he alone, stands as a defendant.

We must turn to the current situation in Macedonia, in order to put 
Milosevic's past actions in perspective.  It is important to understand 
that Milosevic's plan for a "Greater Serbia" was the "lynch-pin" of the 
ethnic Albanian desires for a "Greater Albania".  Milosevic's efforts 
Serbia, unfortunately, brought him into alliance with Radovan Karadzic, 
was the Bosnian Serb President at the time.  Also joining the Milosevic 
inner circle was the commander of the Bosnian Serb Army, General Ratko 

Now, the Macedonian government, immensely assisted by NATO combat 
capabilities particularly in the intelligence arena, is fighting these 
Albanians.  Or so we are led to believe.  When the Serb army tried to 
a toll on the same people, whom the Macedonians are fighting with now, 
NATO's bombs fell.  Logically, a prudent person must assume that 
politicians, and senior military leaders, ought to also be indicted, 
eventually, just as Milosevic.  Let us take this one step further, on 
road of justice, and ask that if Milosevic is indicted, then why are 
Western leaders who directed NATO's war against Kosovo, not indicted?

  The United States, the CIA, The European Union, and NATO all supported 

the Albanian Guerrilla force, in more ways than the casual or naïve 
observer may suspect.  The Albanian force was the perfect candidate to 
into Serbia after the seventy-nine day bombing campaign, to do the 
infantry-style mopping up.  The reality of their mission translates into 

ethnic cleansing.  And they killed as many Serbs as possible.

NATO invoked the; Admiral Nelson, "blind eye to the telescope", policy, 
condoned the killing of Serbs.  Now, the rogue Albanian Guerrilla force, 

which was once the fair-haired child of the West, has caused NATO more 
just a short pause for concern.  They are completely out of control and 
world now knows, that they were once a CIA directed mercenary force.  
Albanian Guerrilla force was paid to do what NATO soldiers were not 
on to do, close with and kill the enemy.  NATO, clearly, did not want 
infantrymen on the ground trading fire with the Serbs.  This undoubtedly 

would have brought dead soldiers home to small towns in America and in 
numerous European Union Countries.  I suggest that this grisly yield 
have drawn far more attention, than NATO wants, to its dirty dealings in 

the Balkans.

It is obvious that the complications, which exist in the Balkans, are 
result of deep divisions along many lines.  One might view this as more 
evidence, while mankind matriculates toward maturity, that people of 
conflicting beliefs, customs, races, and values may, in fact, not be 
to live harmoniously in a state of demographic nirvana.  However, when 
external governments bully their ways into a foreign land and measure, 
quantify, validate, and classify what life and society will be by their 
own, often narrow, spectrum of tolerance the wild-fires of grass roots 
dissent will spread with rapidity.  The argument; that just because 
is a powerful force, in the form of a neighborhood bully lurking around 
corner set to pounce, if we do not ascribe to his beliefs, ought not set 

precedent and acceptability levels for the masses.

Slobodan Milosevic is not the only defendant, morally or criminally, on 
this world stage of The Former Yugoslavia.  Responsibility by the West 
the un-fettered application of law must extend to the entire world and 
mankind as a whole.  Impartiality is absolutely necessary if the War 
Tribunal can be recognized as legal or effective.  The prejudiced, 
arrogant, and personal vendetta motivated actions, of Chief European 
Inquisitor, Swiss Lawyer Carla Del Ponte, leave little doubt that 
will bear the brunt of International Jurisprudence, designed 
for him.  In the meantime, the Western leaders, and many within the 
structure of NATO, will remain aloof, as they wash the legacy of 
Milosevic down with a couple fingers of Gin and marvel at their own 
coated immunity.  One can strike the word "fair" from its present 
of contemporary usage.


J. David Galland is the Founder and President of "Bound & Overwatch - 
Military Observer", a 100% Non-Profit organization which serves as the 
advocate for soldiers and their families, as well as for veterans.

Mr. Galland is a veteran of The United States Army, with over thirty-two 

years military service.  Since 1969, Mr. Galland has been in Military 
Intelligence and is a distinquished graduate of the U. S. Army 
Center & School, Fort Holabird, Maryland.  He is a combat veteran of 
Vietnam, Grenada, and Panama and of hazardous duty positions in Ulster, 
Northern Ireland, Zagreb, Sarajevo, in the Former Yugoslavia, as well as 

various missions in Croatia and Bosnia.  Mr. Galland has spent most of 
military career outside the normal command channels in classified 
assignments as an Area Intelligence Technician, Case Officer, and Desk 
Action Officer.  He is a internationally respected Defense Analyst, 
& Columnist, and Subject Matter Expert on Intelligence Tradecraft in the 

HUMINT discipline.  As well, he is an authority of the former East 
Staatssicherheitsdienst (Stasi).   Mr. Galland is a contributing 
to "The Reagan Information Exchange", Colonel David H. Hackworth's 
"Defending America", column and website, as well as "PRAVDA" (English 
Version) The Voice of The West in Russia.  He also serves on the 
Council, and as the Military Intelligence and Strategic Issues Subject 
Matter Expert, for "Soldiers For The Truth"   He 
been further published by numerous news periodicals and newspapers, both 
The United States and Europe.  Mr. Galland is fluent in numerous 
based languages with English and German as his primary use languages.   
is available as a motivational or historic speaker for non-profit 
schools, or institutions of higher learning.  He may be contacted via


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