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Just three comments;-

The British invented, or rather refined Atrocity
propaganda in Aug. 1914, the Belgium Atrocity Stories
being classics of the genre.

Northcliffe had formed his Political Warfare
Department ( pyschological warefare) for just such at
It was crucial in order to get british public opinion
to accept the war. People don't realise Britain very
nearly remaining neutral and the Liberal Party,
(Liberal government at time) essentially being
Also to get America into the war.
Incidently Big Bertha was not built until two years
later, and the story was they burnt down the Louvain
medieval library.

There are the gravest grounds to suspect the American
bombing of Belgrade in April 1944, to get rid of
Partisan prisoners held by the Germans and frighten
the inhabitants. THe American OSS. still clung to the
scheme of putting Mihailovic and his Partisans in
power, after the British had dumped them. certainly it
was no accident.

Dresden was intended to be the target for the BOMB, it
but wasn't ready in time. It wasn't intended for Japan
at all, but for Germany.
But conventional Strategic Bombing was meant to show
the Russians to watch out at the Peace Conference.  


--- Francisco Javier Bernal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
> ---------------------------------------------
> Mass Murder: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Urban Bombing
> Bob Petrovich
> War is hell and Hitler started it. He persuaded his
> followers that their 
> "moral superiority"
> excuse them from being human and having mercy
> towards their victims.
> Almost 60 years later, we struggle to answer the
> question: was it the 
> universal crime or
> it is crime only because Hitler lost the war?
> Schrecklichkeit (frightfulness) - an instrument of
> the German invasion 
> of 
> Belgium and France,
> intended to disarm or destroy any civilian
> resistance.
> "Since speed was of the essence,
> no civilian harassment or irregular warfare
>   would be tolerated by the Germans.
> They used heavy artillery,
> including the siege gun 'Big Bertha'
> . . . on the town centre of the city of Louvain;
> they shot hostages; burnt villages,
> and when women were raped by German soldiers,
> their commanders did little about it"
> Winter and Baggett's The Great War and the Shaping
> of the 20th Century , 
> p. 67
> SCHRECKLICHKEIT , "we'll meet again" way
> "We'll meet again,
> Don't know where,
> Don't know when,
> But I know
> We'll meet again
> Some sunny day."
> -Vera Lynn, singer, 1942
> When Winston Churchill became Prime Minister May 10
> 1940, he appointed 
> Frederick Alexander Lindemann as his adviser. Soon
> Lindemann air 
> doctrine 
> followed, an adaptation of ideas of Italian fascist
> general Giulio 
> Douhet. 
> The crown jewel of Lindemann doctrine is
> fan-patterned firebombing of 
> Dresden. (Firebombing is newspeak for achieving
> effects of atomic bomb 
> by 
> conventional explosives.) Dresden had no industry.
> It was cultural 
> center 
> protected by treaty between Germans and Britons.
> Air Marshall "Bomber" Harris summed it up:
>   "Whenever the fact that our aircraft OCCASIONALLY
> (emphasis BP)
>   killed women and children is cast in my teeth I
> always produce this
>   example of the blockade, although there are
> endless others
>   to be got from the wars of the past. "
> Up to 2 million German civilians were killed
> "occasionally" in British 
> area 
> bombing and American "precision bombing" of German
> cities.
> "They reaped what they sow" one may rightfully say.
> But what about 
> others?
> Civilians in occupied Europe were also
> "occasionally" targeted, 
> especially 
> on Christian religious holidays.
> They were bombed, although they did not follow
> Hitler's murderous path,
>   even when fought against Hitler and were
> recognized as allies.
> During only one such air raid, USAAF air raid on
> Belgrade, (Orthodox 
> Easter 
> Sunday, April 16 1944)
>   more than 2000 Serbian civilians were killed. Two
> times more than 
> Luftwaffe killed in Rotterdam,
> 4 times more than Luftwaffe killed in Coventry.
> Damage to German 
> occupying 
> forces was insignificant.
>   USAF boasted that U.S. bombers equipped with the
> "top secret" Norden 
> bomb 
> sight
>   could drop a bomb "into a pickle barrel."
> What happened? Official USAAF history explains that
> Belgrade residential 
> quarters were bombed
> by navigational error. But it does not explain why
> more than 6000 Serbs 
> were killed in Nish and Pirot,
> some 200 miles away. Nor it explains why, if the
> target was indeed 
> Romania, 
> "Happy Easter" greetings
> found on unexploded ordnance were written in
> Serbian.
> Gratitude for saving 500 American Airmen behind
> enemy lines, perhaps.
> By comparison, the railroads leading to death camps
> - Dachau, Auschwitz, 
> Belsen, Jasenovac and many
> others were not destroyed. Death factories worked
> full time. Protection 
> of 
> ENIGMA secret.
> Nazi production for military was unharmed also.
> Hiroshima could be understood as an effort to
> shorten the war, 
> regardless 
> of historical evidence stating otherwise.
> But how to understand Nagasaki August 9 1945 11:02
> A.M.?
> And how to approve it?
> Lindemann doctrine continued to live after WWII.
> Rolling thunder over 
> Viet 
> Nam, secret bombing of Cambodia
> 1970, precision bombing of shelters in Iraq 1991.
> SCHRECKLICHKEIT, humanitarian way
> "I think no power to your refrigerator, no
> gas to your stove, you can't get to work
> because the bridge is down - the bridge on
> which you held your rock concerts -- and
> you all stood with targets on your heads.
> That needs to disappear at 3 o'clock in the
> morning."
> -- Lt. Gen. Michael Short, US Air Force Commander,
> May 12 1999
> Demonization and dehumanization of victims is part
> of Schrecklichkeit, 
> Nazi 
> way, "we meet again" way or humanitarian
> way.
> Perceived moral superiority over victims also.
> Napalms did not incinerate Vietnamese, only "gooks",
> "Charlies" and "me 
> love good".
> Cluster bombs were not murdering children and old
> people on marketplaces 
> in 
> Serbia, it was humanitarian intervention.
> "Do you still wanna be a Serb" read inscription on
> unexploded 
> ordnance.The 
> same question could be sent back.
> My family had been bombed by LUFTWAFFE in 1941, by
> USAAF and RAF in 1944 
> and by
> USAF, RAF and LUFTWAFFE in 1999.
> The difference?
=== message truncated ===

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