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[Thomas Mann: "National German Socialist Workers Party
(nazis), every word of which is a lie."..."How can the
Socialists in power allow themselves to cover up and
encourage political assassinations?" For the very same
reason they initiated and supported the Hitlerian
aggression against Yugoslavia and are now presiding
over the dismemberment and destruction of Macedonia:
Because they are no more socialists - or workers
parties - than was their predecessor and role model in
Bavaria in the 1920s.]

Monday August 27, 9:06 PM
Corsican militants attack government as arrests follow
BASTIA, France, Aug 27 (AFP) - 
The political wing of an armed Corsican sepratist
group on Monday accused the French government of
colluding in the recent murders of the movement's
French police had earlier arrested four suspected
members of the group, which seeks independence for the
French Mediterranean island.
"How can the Socialists in power allow themselves to
cover up and encourage political assassinations,"
demanded a statement released by Presenza Naziunale,
the political wing of Armata Corsa.
Francois Santoni, the co-founder of a group which has
claimed responsibility for three killings and around
20 attacks since June 1999, was himself shot dead on
August 16.
Armata Corsa's other founder, Jean-Michel Rossi was
shot dead a year earlier. There have been no arrests
in either case.
Four Corsicans thought to be linked to the group were
arrested on Sunday by police investigating an
attempted bomb attack on administrative buildings,
police sources said.
The Presenza Naziunale statement made no reference to
the arrests, but accused the government of protecting
Armata Corsa's rivals within the separatist movement
which it blames for the murders.
It is widely thought that Santoni and Rossi were
targeted after accusing other militants of being
mixed-up in mafia-style organised crime rather than
concentrating on the 25-year-old struggle for Corsican
The statement warned that the attacks would increase
the pressure on the Corsican peace process, under
which the government in Paris has promised the island
limited autonomy in return for an end to violence.
"How can we decently talk about a peace process?" the
statement asked.
The latest breach in the truce supposedly backed by
all the main separatist groups was reported Sunday,
when a police officers car was damaged in a bomb
attack that left him in severe shock.
The latest wave of violence, which has seen three
Corsicans shot dead, has led to calls for Prime
Minister Lionel Jospin to abandon his plans to give
the island's assembly limited lawmaking powers.
But Jospin has refused to back down from his plan,
which he maintains is still the best hope of bringing
the fighting to an end.
A leaked government report published in the French
press last week said the island was a haven for
mafia-style racketeering, that corruption was rife in
local politics and that separatist groups were funded
through armed robbery.

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