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NATO helicopters swooped into a clearing in northern Macedonia today as the alliance began the risky mission of collecting weapons from ethnic Albanian rebels, just hours after suffering its first casualty - a British soldier, the Associated Press reports. ( http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010827/wl/macedonia_535.html )

Marauding youths threw a block of concrete that hit and killed Ian Collins, 20, of the 9 Parachute Squadron Royal Engineers. He was driving an armored vehicle under an overpass on a main road outside Skopje, the capital, when the attack occurred, British military officials said. They said he suffered head injuries.

In "Waist Deep in the Balkans and Sinking: Washington Confronts the Crisis in Macedonia," ( http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-397es.html ) Cato's Ted Galen Carpenter writes that the continued fighting in Macedonia shows the bankruptcy of Washington's Balkan policy. He recommends that the United States disengage and let the European countries grapple with the situation.

"For Washington's deepening diplomatic and military involvement in Macedonia is not driven by any meaningful concern about the fate of that small country," writes foreign policy analyst Gary Dempsey in "Intervention Protection." ( http://www.cato.org/dailys/08-02-01.html ) "It is instead driven by a desire to keep NATO's flawed Kosovo intervention from unraveling and becoming a colossal embarrassment."

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