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Macedonians Suspicious of Peace Plan
NATO to Collect Arms As Disputes Continue

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Killing Overshadows Launch of Macedonia Mission

From Reuters at 9:09 AM

SKOPJE, Macedonia—NATO troops began gathering guns from guerrillas in Macedonia Monday, pushing ahead with a peace mission overshadowed by the killing of a British soldier in an attack on his NATO vehicle.

The NATO alliance, charged with collecting the weapons of ethnic Albanian guerrillas, said angry youths were apparently responsible for throwing the lump of concrete that killed the 20-year-old serviceman as he drove toward the capital Skopje Sunday night.

British and Macedonian officials both described the soldier's death as tragic. The Skopje government, which invited NATO to deploy its disarmament force but then warned the mission would fail unless it did more than just gather weapons, offered its condolences.

The dead man was identified as Sapper Ian Collins, 20, of the 9th Parachute Squadron, Royal Engineers.

By Peter Finn
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, August 27, 2001; Page A12

SKOPJE, Macedonia, Aug. 26 -- NATO plans to collect the first of 3,300 weapons, including two tanks, from ethnic Albanian rebels Monday, in an operation that Macedonian authorities dismissed as an exercise in empty symbolism even before it has begun.

Prime Minister Ljubco Georgievski today labeled "humiliating" the number of weapons the rebels have agreed to turn over to NATO, which insisted the surrender is in line with its estimates of the insurgents' firepower. Government officials have put the number of rebel weapons at between 8,000 and 85,000.

And following an explosion that destroyed a motel and killed two Macedonian Slavs who worked there early today, Georgievski threatened military retaliation against the rebels he held responsible, raising the specter of further violence as NATO troops assemble between the insurgents and government forces.

The explosion ripped through a motel owned by Macedonian Slavs in Celopek, six miles south of the country's second-largest city, Tetovo, and just across a river from rebel-held territory. A bartender and a waiter were killed in the explosion, which occurred in the home town of Macedonia's hard-line interior minister, Ljuben Boskoski.

Macedonian police said the two workers appeared to have been tied down inside the motel before the blast.

Both the explosion and the dispute over the number of weapons held by the rebels threatened to derail a fragile and twinned process in which the rebels are supposed to turn over all their weapons in three stages while parliament introduces and then ratifies constitutional changes that expand the rights of the ethnic Albanian minority.

NATO expects to withdraw from Macedonia 30 days after it picks up the first weapon, but the symbiotic process -- disarmament tied directly to parliamentary action -- could easily falter, forcing the alliance to rethink its role. There are already reports in the media in Britain, which provided most of the 3,500 troops here, that the alliance is making contingency plans for a much longer operation and could get sucked into the kind of peacekeeping operation it has strenuously said it would avoid.

On a more hopeful note, ethnic Albanian rebels released seven Macedonians and a U.S citizen of Macedonian descent whom they had held for weeks. Four of the hostages, two of whom were members of the Macedonian security forces, waved as they left a building in Lipkovo, a village deep behind rebel lines in northern Macedonian, and climbed into a Red Cross vehicle, a Reuters cameraman at the scene said.

U.S. officials had attempted and failed to secure the release of the American, sources said. Tonight an embassy spokesman here said officials were happy that he was out.

Vojislav Mihailovic, a retiree, was seized by rebels in June. He was being examined tonight in a hospital in Skopje, the capital, and Red Cross officials said he was in "reasonably good health."

Red Cross officials who met with the ethnic Albanian National Liberation Army gave the rebels a list of 26 Macedonian Slavs reported missing. But the rebel group has acknowledged holding only half that number, according to NATO officials.

Red Cross spokeswoman Amanda Williamson said officials had met NLA leader Ali Ahmeti and that more releases could follow.

"Two days ago Ahmeti said he would give us unconditional access to all people being held by the NLA," she said. "We will only have an idea of who remains unaccounted for when we have gone through that whole process."

Some rebel commanders have said Macedonian Slav hostages would be released only if authorities release imprisoned ethnic Albanians and a political settlement takes hold.

A Western-mediated settlement, which cleared the way for the deployment of NATO troops, calls for an amnesty for rebels in the hills, but the fate of those in prison remains unclear.

In the last six months, more than 125,000 people from Macedonia's two principal ethnic groups have been forced from their homes after the NLA began an insurgency, purportedly for greater rights, seizing large swaths of territory in northern and western Macedonia.

In a stern, almost sermon-like tone, Danish Maj. Gen. Gunnar Lange, the military commander of NATO's Operation Essential Harvest, told reporters today that if the linked process of disarmament and political change breaks down, "the alternative is war."

Lange said NATO expected to collect 2,950 assault weapons, 210 machine guns, 130 mortars and antitank weapons, six air defense systems, two tanks and two armored personnel carriers. The rebels also planned to hand over 110,000 rounds of ammunition, he said.

Lange repeatedly refused to be drawn out on what might happen if the Macedonian government rejects as inadequate the numbers of weapons handed over to NATO and parliament votes down the political settlement on which the disarming of the NLA hinges.

NATO officials said the Macedonian estimates of arms are wildly inflated, although they privately indicate the rebels will keep some weapons and can easily acquire more from Albania or the neighboring Serbian province of Kosovo. Alliance officials argued that the process, however symbolic, can weaken the rebels and reestablish the primacy of the political process.

© 2001 The Washington Post Company

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