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From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 8:35 PM
Subject: CP of Bohemia and Moravia,To the problems of the so called political
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  CP of Bohemia and Moravia,To the problems of the so called political
              From: Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
     , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

          To the problems of the so called political extremism

This document has been worked out by the expert group for security
policy of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bohemia and
Moravia (CPBM). Official documents have been used for its elaboration,
especially: Report on the problems of extremism on the territory of the
Czech Republic in 1998 and 1999 submitted by the Government to the House
of Deputies of the Parliament of the CR, Report on the situation in the
area of public order on the territory of the CR in 1998 and 1999, Report
on the activity of the Security and Information Service (SIS) in the
period since January 1, 1996, to December 31, 1997, and since January 1,
1998, to December 31, 1999, and the medium-term conception of the
Ministry of Interior for the years 2000 - 2003.

The purpose of this document is to offer a critical view on the problems
of "extremism" presented by the Government, namely and especially in the
sphere of the security police practice and partially criminal-legal one.
Thus the document does not analyse the issues connected with this term
from the political and sociological views, etc.

I. About "extremism" generally

The term "extremism", as it is understood by the Government of the CR,
Ministry of Interior of the CR and other state authorities of the CR and
interpreted in the Report on the problems of extremism on the territory
of the CR in 1999, is an incorrect, dubious, entirely and purposely
political and ideological term. It does not appear in the legal system
of the CR. It cannot be found in international agreements on human
rights, especially in the International Pact of the United Nations on
human rights and fundamental liberties but it does not appear either in
the European Convention on human rights and liberties. This term is
missing also in solid political and sociological works and publications.

In the political literature in Western Europe and USA a considerable
attention is paid to the existence, spreading and especially to an
after-several-decades since the 2nd World War unexpectedly fast growth
of different movements, called in aggregate - rightist extremism.

Some political scientists question the term "extremism" and point to the
fact that it can lead to excessive simplifications. Besides political
sciences, a range of other social-scientific subjects is engaged in
studies of political and social roots from which "extremism" rises, and
possibilities how to confront it. Also a majority of political parties
take more or less an unambiguous stand to these problems and activities
of "extremists".

Some authors point with growing worries to the fact that especially in
the Federal Republic of Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy but
also with a comparable intensity in Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and
other places in Europe, but also in the USA, stimulation and spreading
of fascist, neo-nazi and racist ideologies take place. Primarily then it
is the case of a formation of fascist organisations and groups that
propagate and apply in their activities racism, anti-Semitism or
nationalism. With a growing migration of the population also xenophobia
that lets off steam by a hostility and hatred towards foreigners,
especially towards foreign manpower, gets through more and more
expressively in the life of a number of European states.

It would be however erroneous to believe that similar "moods" are spread
only by extremist rightist groups. Nationalism, nationally motivated
intolerance and tensions, opposition against immigration, a requirement
to control and put limits to immigration, etc., are also a part of the
political agenda and activity of European right-wing political parties.
Their policy practically blends with the activities of rightist
extremists, inspires and encourages their militant practice.

The main result of the operation of extreme right wing is represented by
a shift of some requirements forward and their enforcement by more
aggressive, brutal methods.

This connection is especially expressively manifested in the countries
of Middle and Eastern Europe in the situation that developed after
dissolution of the socialist community and collapse of the historically
first attempt to constitute a socially just socialist regime. In the
political conditions that developed in those countries, there exists an
especially favourable milieu for anticommunism, penetrating not only
through the activity of political parties but also through that of the
bodies of the state and public administration, to become the leading
ideology. This creates a nutrient medium for spreading of extreme
rightist tendencies, for a penetration of fascist, neo-nazi, racist,
anti-Semitic and xenophobia moods and elements into a political and
social life.

As to activation of extremism, its political and ideological roots, the
situation in the CR is not an exception; it is rather a clear
illustration of the state described above. The activity of extreme
organisations and groups of a different orientation is manifested and
develops also in the political life of the CR. Also on the Czech
political scene, there operate organisations and groups of a
prevailingly anarchist orientation that claim to be leftist. Activities
are developed even by organisations that even claim to be communist. It
applies also fully to them that they have nothing common with the fight
of those who seek a really democratic, socially just political-economic

The methods they use provide the state authorities with a pretext for to
strengthen repressions and formation of bodies specially trained and
equipped for to repress demonstrations that need not to be triggered
always by organised extremists but by a worsening social situation.

The Government in its resolution No 720/1999 to the problems of
"extremism" legalises by its decision the activity of intelligence
services and the Parliament of the CR when following and frightening
critics of the actual political-economic system. This directive of the
Government was found its reflection in the approved "Medium-term
conception of the Ministry of Interior in 2000 - 2003". The Government
introduces in the report on the problems of extremism a practice that is
in contradiction with the article 5 of the Constitution of the Czech
Republic that                  establishes a free competition for
gaining political power in the state (by democratic constitutional
means). Its evidently discriminates groups of citizens for their
political conviction. It is also in contradiction with the Paper of
fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizens, especially with the
Chapter 1, article 3 guaranteeing rights and freedoms to all without
distinguishing their political or other convictions, and with the
Chapter II, articles 10, 17, 19, 20 on the protection of human decency,
freedom of expression, right of gathering in associations, etc.

Important is also the article 2, paragraph 3, saying explicitly that
everybody may do what the law does not forbid, and nobody must be forced
to do what the law does not impose. State authorities may do only what
they are explicitly authorised to do by the law. Our criminal and
administrative legislation does not know the term extremism.

It is necessary to see the roots of the so-called extremist scene in the
CR first of all in the deepening abyss between rich and poor and in the
non-functionality of the system of political democracy. It is also a
result of the change of cultural values, problem of the national
identity and the process of the international integration. International
migration and immigration raises xenophobia and anti-Semitism, a sense
of menace in the people conscience. They are also seen as one of the
causes of unemployment. Antagonism towards foreigners that we meet in a
part of our society, cannot be narrowed only to relics of the past or
relationship with former fascist movements. They have their actual
causes - hatred towards foreigners is connected with real
social-political problems, above all heavy social problems, they have
their reflection among frustrated and disoriented individuals; it
imposes an extremely rightist culture and rightist political slogans on
them. That is why it cannot represent a primordial interest of the
Police of the CR and intelligence services, efforts to create
specialised bodies cannot be therefore supported. The Police of the CR
have to focus to the protection of public order by legal means but also
to the protection of foreigners who become easily victims of criminal
activities and target of xenophobia and racist attacks.

This practice of the Government of the CR, transferred into activities
of intelligence services and Police of the CR appears as illegitimate
and is close to a violation of the Constitution. It strengthens in its
substance the police character of the state.

As it was said above, since 1998 the Government of the CR submits to the
House of Deputies of the PCR Reports on the problems of extremism on the
territory of the CR in which it expresses the point of view of the
ruling elite to this phenomenon, and measures how to confront a growing
extremism in the CR, from the view how to maintain its positions and
power. These "Reports ..." are extensive enough (the last report for
1999 had 90 pages and the same volume of annexes) and are in some parts
prevailingly identical with the Reports on the situation in the area of
public order submitted by the Ministry of Interior and with Annual
reports on the activity of the Security Information Service. The
Government declares that the Report is to be a background document for
political decisions of the government. The Government agrees in the
report that extremism is a political and not legal term, it cannot be
confused with the terms such as for instance "terrorist", "criminal"
etc. Some political scientists question the term extremism and warn that
it can lead to excessive simplifications. It is especially the case of
expert literature of Anglo-American provenience. Regardless of this
observation the Government however affirms that for a report of this
kind this term must be introduced and used. It therefore creates its own
definition of extremism. Exact quotations of the most serious parts of
the Report are mentioned in the annex to this document.

II. Attitude of the CPBM to the problems of "extremism"

The CPBM resolutely refuses any violation of the Constitution and legal
order of the CR under any pretext. It is a defender of the legal state,
consistent observation of laws, especially of the Constitution and Paper
of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens as of a part of the
constitutional order of the CR. From this point of view it approaches
also to the problems of "extremism". According to our opinion this
phenomenon is a pathological phenomenon of the societies worldwide. It
should be therefore studied by several disciplines, namely from the
political, sociological, legal and other views. It is necessary to study
especially the causes of this phenomenon and its individual aspects. It
is not a purpose of this document to study legitimacy of this term
itself but to express a critical view to the governmental approach to
these problems.

It is not possible to agree with the introduction of the term
"extremism" in the criminal-legal and security-police practices. It is
necessary to refuse a definition of "extremism" in a shape interpreted
in the Report. It is, according to our opinion, a case of a slip that
resulted in a negative impact on some groups of the citizens of the CR.
The definition formulation is motivated unambiguously by political and
ideological views.

Identically the term "criminal acts with extremist implication" is
dubious. Criminal law does not know this term, in addition criminal acts
under this title mentioned in the Report are sufficiently qualified in
the Criminal Code. Similar is the case of assignment mentioned in the
Report for intelligence services and the PCR that has got also negative
implications and discriminates some groups of citizens.

It is declared in the Report that it is to serve political decisions of
the government. A substance and a real sense of this political
decisions-making is focused above all to covering and legalising from
the legal view activities of police and intelligence bodies when
monitoring and registering organisations, groups and their members or
sympathisers that are earmarked by these authorities according to
entirely gratuitous, subjectivist and from the legal view untenable
"criteria" as extremist. These authorities in their procedure move quite
evidently and from the view of the rights and freedoms of the citizens,
especially freedom of expression, opinions, convictions, gathering and
association, guaranteed by the Constitution and legal order, on the

Besides this, the reports on extremist activities have got also another
serious political purpose. As it is mentioned explicitly in the report
for 1999 (page 2), "the public has got up to now only the information
that these organisations present "themselves about themselves", as they
wish to be seen and to what role they place themselves. An objective
information should be based on information how the state authorities
"see" these associations and their activities". An example how the state
authorities "see" activities of some associations, is the assessment of
the goals of one organisation as "neo-Bolshevik" made by the SIS. The
assessment of the "pan-Slavic movement" as extremist says, besides a
number of other groundless constructions and affirmations from the
workshop of SIS: Pan-Slavs oriented in a neo-Bolshevik way suppose that
hand-in-hand with a renewal of the super power position of Russia
communist regimes in former socialist states will be restored, or some
analogy of a totalitarian (communist) regime will be formed (pages 21 -
22). This is one of the examples how the state authorities perfectly
ignore what are real goals of the given movement, what information it
presents to citizens about itself, and on the contrary how "objective",
truthful and well-founded are the information they present to citizens
but also to the Government and other state authorities.

One of the examples of manipulation consists for instance in the note
that relevant state authorities paid "attention also to the activities
of the organisations that profess active return to a totalitarian regime
before 1989 or to its more modern authoritative modification. Although
the supporters of this trend do not commit openly a criminal activity,
there however exist reasonable fears of their subversive activity
consisting, among other, also in initiating social tensions in
problematic regions" (page 3). From such a declaration there is only one
step to a registration of all people that point to unbearable living
conditions of the people who cannot find a job, that seek adoption of
concrete measures for improving the situation in which these people are
not by their own fault (i.e. the whole leftist political opposition), in
the category of extremists who do not commit an open criminal activity
but whose subversive activity is at least suspicious. The more that they
dare to criticise and point to shortcomings of the existing
political-economic system that not only admits such a situation but also
directly provokes it by its nature.

In the above mentioned document of the Government, submitted to the
House of Deputies of the PCR (press 622), there is another example of a
feckless view of the authors as far as a definition of extremism is
concerned, and in the same time of their efforts to attain by this way a
coverage for actions that represent a menace, intervention and violation
of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. Description of what is
meant by extremism, is "enriched" and completed in it by the explanation
that its is an "established term for extremely critical, towards the
democratic system hostile attitudes, opinions, ideologies that appear in
the background of destructive elements. As destructive, undesirable or
dangerous need to be considered such activities, intentions and
phenomena whose effects are - directly or in a long-haul horizon -
destructive for the existing political-economic system (democracy), i.e.
that try to replace a democratic system by an antagonist system
(totalitarian regime, dictatorship, anarchy)". We leave aside a
craftiness and scientific depth of the "definition" that comes to the
conclusion that "it is necessary to see as destructive such activities
.. whose effect is destructive .".

Owing to the fact how broadly and "flexibly" these documents delimit
contents of extremism, it is an evident intent to discourage and rather
frighten citizens from any critics of actual more and more untenable
conditions in the economy and policy of the CR, from all that the
relevant authorities could label as an extremist activity fearing not to
be suspected of criminal activity.

Nucleus of this delimitation of extremism consists in the fact that "its
effects are destructive for the existing political-economic system
(democracy)". Protection of this system becomes a decisive and
determining argument for to reason and justify repressive procedures of
the state authorities. This is an often-used manoeuvre of not only
                  Czech right wing, today imposed even by the actual
government. It consists in the efforts to identify the existing
political-economic system with democracy and democratic system. In
reality there is no sameness of these terms. It is an entirely and
intentional mixing and mutual confusion of the form and substance.
Democracy has got a number of different forms known from the history and
will have many others undoubtedly in the future. On the contrary
capitalism with its regularities that have an objective validity
regardless of the fact in what stage of development they are, is always
a substance of "the existing political-economic system".

Concerning the CR, it is a system that even the president Havel called
mafia system. It is the system that ultimately limits democracy to a
possibility of a citizen to vote once four years but otherwise being
completely excluded from decision-making on public matters. The system
that enables that without any serious attempt of clarification - not
speaking about a punishment of even the most shameful cases - billions
representing the national wealth can be tunnelled, that citizens are
excluded from work, deprived of a possibility of a decent living and
human existence, being thus excluded from the society. Monitoring,
repression and finally penalisation of differing opinions of the
political opposition that refuses to consider "the existing
political-economic system" as the top democracy, points to its
shortcomings, criticises it, seeks its correction and a change of the
system, is to legalise the protection of this system. This change is to
be achieved not by a return to the past, not by threatening or
destroying a democratic political regime but on the contrary by a
realisation of such changes that would be in harmony with fundamental
principles of democracy and strengthen the influence and guarantee the
most possible participation of the citizens in decision-making and
administration of public affairs in central as well as regional and
local self-governing authorities. The opposition seeks changes that
would ensure to all citizens a decent human existence that would rid
them of a constant uncertainty and fear of unemployment, poverty,
illness and old age.

A logic continuation of this purposeful approach to extremism is then
represented by efforts to construe a category of the "criminality with
extremist implication", "extremist criminality, etc. Thus are introduced
into criminal proceedings elements that can only complicate them,
confuse a substance of criminal activity and extend proceedings
themselves. This is even admitted in the report that states that "to
prove this criminal activity (of the sympathisers of the rightist
extreme scene) is more demanding and complicated and will not manage
without expert opinions from political sciences, history, sociology and
other scientific sectors" (page 30, note 55). It is not necessary to
comment specially the value of the "expert opinions" from the area of
mentioned social sciences from the view of proving in criminal

The height of this manipulation is represented by efforts to subordinate
such criminal acts, as murder, grievous bodily injury, curtailment of
personal freedom, blackmail and a number of other acts of this category
(pages 4-5). Such attempts are completely untenable from the view of
building a legal state. If the activity of any subject fulfils the facts
of the case of a criminal act, it founds a duty of the authorities
acting in criminal proceedings to investigate this activity by
corresponding means, to document circumstances and conditions of its
committing, to prosecute and punish the culprit in a way set up in the
law. Even in respect to verbal criminal acts, such as propagation of
fascism, neo-Nazism, anti-Semitism, defamation of the nation, race and
political conviction, if the fulfilment of the facts of the case has
been proved, proving whether the culprit is a sympathiser of an
extremist group or not, cannot be authoritative for a decision on the
guilt. It can only influence the level of the sentence. On the contrary
the fact whether somebody is a sympathiser of the organisation that the
state authorities earmark as extremist, is completely irrelevant for
finding whether the facts of the case of the criminal act has been or
has not been fulfilled.

The report in general reflects a differentiated approach of the state
authorities of the CR to the problems of extremism, to its rightist and
leftist forms, as well as efforts to manipulate with the term extremism
with evident political intents. This different approach distinguishes
itself for instance by passivity being on the verge of inactivity of the
police towards growing aggressiveness of rightist extremists and on
numerous occasions even by providing police protection to provocations
of neo-Nazis. An obvious lack of political will of police authorities to
take action in some cases of brutal attacks of skinheads against
Gypsies, is another characteristic manifestation. In addition there is a
very sluggish and benevolent activity of other bodies acting in criminal
proceedings when striking criminal activities committed by skinheads,
fascists and neo-Nazis. It appears that the ruling right wing considers
rightist extremism, including fascism and neo-Nazism, a threat to
democracy, it does not however consider it as a threat for the existing
political-economic system. The rightist extremism grows up on the
contrary from the very substance of the actual capitalist system. As a
result of it, the problem of rightist extremism cannot be solved within
this system by methods and means of the police and secret services.

There are much more causes of this situation. One the decisive consists
in the total political climate in the CR and in the state apparatus
governed and personally occupied by right forces, including authorities
acting in criminal proceedings. This determines a lack of political will
to take actions against rightist extremists and on the contrary efforts
to legalise a use of state power means against critics and opponents of
the existing political-economic system. From time to time appearing
information on criminal activities of the policemen clarify at a certain
measure causes of this situation, including reports that some policemen
had been recently members of rightist extremist groups and that persons
sympathising with skinheads and other rightist extremists continue to
work within police bodies.

These realities are observed and pointed to even by objective observers
from abroad. Examples are again mentioned in the report itself
containing a note on critical remarks of the programmes of British BBC
and German public-legal TV ZDF of April 1999. These programmes incurring
displeasure of our authorities very critically evaluated a different
approach against rightist extremists and against participants of
anarchist's actions (page 50).

The programme of the ZDF station spoke even of the fact that training of
neo-Nazis is carried out by professionals from police and military
circles. The authors of the report could not unambiguously refuse this
information. They marked them, like other information in both the
programmes, only as "questionable". Owing to the term of the report
development, a sharp critic of the police actions against participants
of demonstrations and persons detained during the meeting of the IMF and
WB in Prague that appeared in mass media of the CR and majority of
European countries could not be reflected in it.

It is obvious from the document as a whole that the hitherto procedure
of the government in the problems of the so called extremism is dubious
unambiguously from the political view, ideologically motivated and as a
result leading up to a violation of the Constitution of the CR, the
Paper of fundamental rights and freedoms and the laws. It is a rude
intervention into fundamental rights and freedoms of some groups of
citizens that it spuriously discriminates, earmarks and criminalizes. It
is in substance the case of efforts of the government to "perpetuate"
the existing political-economic social system that is seen as the only
democratic and unchangeable one. Any attempt to deepen democracy and
improve the political-economic system is seen as anti-systemic and
extreme. One cannot agree in any case with this approach of the

Conclusions and recommendations

If we issue from the conclusions mentioned in the part II of this
document, it appears as necessary to uphold by all legal means a change
of the approach of the government in respect to the problems of
"extremism". It is realistic to expect that these problems will be
misused also in the pre-election period against left-oriented movements
and                  organisations. That is why it would be appropriate
to develop the problems of "extremism" from our point of view in the
spheres of political science, sociology, etc. by pertinent expert groups
of the CC CPBM; to assess further on a usefulness and suitability to use
the offered opportunity of a dialogue of offended subjects with relevant
governmental authorities, and then to publish in a suitable way the
results of this dialogue. One cannot exclude even a possibility that
offended subjects will seek a correction by judicial way.


This part contains quotations of substantial components of the Report on
which are based actions of the government regarding these problems.
Quoted parts of the Report are not "lifted out" of the context and are
not commented in order to preserve a principle of objectivity.

Quotations of the Report

The term extremism comprises activities with - as a rule - an
ideological motivation that get out of legal, constitutional norms,
distinguish themselves by elements of intolerance and attack against
democratic principles and social regime.

It is an established term for extremely precarious, to a democratic
system hostile attitudes transiting to activities that work, directly or
in a long-haul impact - destructively for the existing democratic
political-economic system, i.e. tries to replace a democratic system by
an antagonistic one (totalitarian regime, dictatorship, anarchy). The
Report thus issues from the united understanding of extremism as
activities oriented against the constitutional regime and values
protected by it.

Under the term criminality with extremist implication is understood an
action inspired by extremism that meets the facts of the case of a
criminal act or infraction. In practice it is the most often the case of
criminal acts committed in connection with extremism:
                  = general threat
                  = violence against a groups of citizens and an
                  = defamation of the nation, race and conviction
                  = encouragement of nationalist and racial hatred
                  = riotous conduct
                  = murder
                  = curtailment of personal freedom
                  = blackmail
                  = curtailment of the religious freedom
                  = violation of home freedom
                  = violation of the freedom of gathering and
                  = genocide
                  = promotion and propagation of movements destined for
the suppression of rights and freedoms of the citizens
                  = persecution of the population

Extremist scene on the territory of the Czech Republic in 1999

The Security Information Service implemented in a running way the task
contained in the point 5 of the annex to the resolution of the
government No 720/1999 - To develop in a running way a survey of
individual extremist groupings operating on the territory of the CR,
including assessment of a number of their members and sympathisers and
to monitor interconnection of the Czech extremist scene with foreign
subjects. The task has got a permanent character.

General characteristics

On the territory of the Czech Republic were represented in 1999, in the
same way as in 1998, the following basic extremist directions:
                 = rightist extremist, i.e. neo-Nazi, fascist and
nationalist oriented groups
                 = left oriented groups and organisations
                    a.Anarchist-autonomous groups
                    b.Neo-Bolshevik (it is a working term of the SIS)
and pan-Slav groups or organisations

("Pan-Slavism" is in extremist context only a distraction term for the
efforts to renew Russian hegemony in Middle Europe)

Rightist extremist scene

In 1999, activation was characteristic for the rightist extremist

Note: Further on only the organisations and grouping named in the Report
will be mentioned.
                     a.Neo-Nazi and fascist organisations and groupings
           = non-registered organisations Blood and Honour Division
Bohemia (BaH DB)

Some leading persons of this organisation try to be registered as civic
association, e.g.

Junge Nationaldemokraten, or as political parties, e.g. National Social

           = National Resistance

In connection with neo-Nazi scene, it is necessary to mention also the
existence of several individuals who have contacts with tops of the
terrorist organisation Combat  18 in Great Britain. Information on the
existence of a militant organisation Anti-Antifa and Legion of Honour
that should be allegedly active in the environments of Zlín and organise
there battle training of militant neo-Nazis, were not confirmed.

= Movement of the National Unification
This organisation has actually several tens of members and sympathisers.

b.Organisations registered with the Ministry of Interior

          = Patriotic Front (PF)
          = National Alliance
          = Association for the Republic - Republican Party of
Czechoslovakia and connected organisations

Leftist extremist scene
Anarchic-Autonomous scene
= Czechoslovak Anarchistic Federation - not registered
= Antifascist Action - not registered

It equals fascism and the existing politico-economic system

Other ultra-leftist groups cooperating with anarchist and autonomous

These groups have got in some cases close relations with neo-Bolsheviks,
Communist                       Union of Youth and Communist Youth of
= Socialist solidarity - registered association
= Anarchist-Communist organisation Solidarity
= "Workers´ Educational Club Future"
            = Socialist Organisation of the Working People

Neo-Bolshevik and Pan-Slav groups or organisations

The term neo-Bolshevism is in the given context used, based on
background documents of  the SIS, as a working term that defines in a
suitable way all negative features of the Leninist interpretation of
communism and in the same time grasps by the preposition neo-

The changed situation in which this ideology is applied.

= Party of Czechoslovak Communists (SČK) - change of the name KSČ made
on March 3, 2000
= Communist Youth of Czechoslovakia - radical group - it has not a
status of a registered association with the Ministry of Interior
= International Slavic Committee
= Slavic Committee of the CR

Its parts are organisations with left oriented pan-Slavic programme
                           - League of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia
                           - Club of the Czech border area
                           - Patriotic Association of Antifascists
                           - Slavic Union and other

Threats connected with extremist scene

Actual and potential risk for 2000 is represented by a danger of an open
manifestation of leftist extremists during the Annual session of the
International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

Prague, September 26 - 28, 2000
Ústřední výbor Komunistické strany Čech a Moravy,
Politických vězňů 9, Praha 1,110 00
tel.(+420) (2) 22897111, fax (+420) (2) 22897207
e-mail: Kontaktujte nás/ Contact Address
2000 (C) PeTRiX


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