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Tuesday August 28 8:25 AM ET 
Macedonian Pilgrims Behind Rebel Lines; NATO Wary
By Mark Heinrich
SKOPJE, Macedonia (Reuters) - Macedonians driven out
of guerrilla-held territory returned in convoy Tuesday
for a religious holiday despite warnings of land
mines, raising tensions as NATO tried to collect
weapons from ethnic Albanian rebels.
But a Reuters reporter who arrived in the village of
Lesok with the convoy said no mines or Albanian
guerrillas were in sight and the Macedonians were
having emotional reunions with the few compatriots
still clinging to their homes.
British paratroopers stood guard anyway, pointing
heavy machine guns up at nearby hills to deter any
threat from the rebels.
Just days ago, the Lesok area was swarming with
guerrillas. But by Tuesday they appeared to be lying
low as part of a disengagement-of-forces pact NATO
struck with both sides to improve security along front
lines for its weapons collectors.
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe mission in Macedonia had appealed to the
refugees not to make the journey, saying the Lesok
area could be mined and confrontations with Albanians,
armed or not, could occur.
Western officials were also concerned by the presence
of ultra-nationalists from the World Macedonian
Congress in the Assumption Day pilgrimage to Lesok.
The 10-bus convoy entered the village as NATO troops
on a mountain above prepared to gather up more weapons
surrendered by the guerrillas in exchange for improved
minority rights, under a precarious Western-mediated
Many of the Macedonians in the convoy said they not
only wanted to pray at the monastery but also to
inspect the homes they fled, saying they feared for
their lives.
``There磗 been a lot of looting so this time I磎
planning to load anything that磗 left at my house onto
a tractor and bring it back to Skopje where I磎 living
temporarily with my heavily pregnant
daughter-in-law,创 said Blagoja Bogdanovski, 50.
``But we can磘 live like this indefinitely. We have to
go home,创 he told Reuters.
Most Macedonians regard NATO's mission with skepticism
or resignation, but others with deep animosity.
A British soldier died Monday after a chunk of
concrete was thrown through his vehicle windshield, an
attack that hinted at the angry conviction of some
Macedonians that NATO's plan to collect only guns
volunteered by the rebels is a sham.
The soldier's death was a sobering reminder of the
risks to NATO's ``Operation Essential Harvest.创 But
its commanders launched the first day of arms
collections unperturbed and pronounced it a success
with more than 400 weapons registered.
NATO hopes to have reaped a third of its total target
of 3,300 weapons by Wednesday to give political
impetus for Macedonia's parliament to start passing
reform legislation when it reconvenes Friday.
The NATO mission aims to snuff out Macedonia's
six-month-old ethnic conflict, so far confined to the
far north, before it spreads into the sort of war that
wrecked many parts of the former Yugoslavia over the
past decade.
Nationalist hawks led by Macedonia's prime minister
and interior minister believe the disarmament
operation is a farce and that NATO's target figure
only skims the surface of the rebel arsenal easily
replenished by smuggling from Kosovo.
But President Boris Trajkovski, a moderate in a
divided coalition government, said after being briefed
by NATO on the first day of arms collecting that it
was a crucial aspect of the peace process and
Macedonians should cooperate with it.
``NATO磗 assistance expresses the commitment of many
countries to help Macedonia resolve its problems. It
is expected to successfully complete its mission to
provide basic conditions for bringing long-term peace
to the citizens of Macedonia,创 he was quoted by state
news agency MIA as saying.
But another potential flashpoint looms Thursday with
displaced Macedonians reported to be planning a
protest rally in the capital Skopje on the eve of
parliament's session.
The August 13 peace accord will stand or fall on
whether the nationalist-dominated chamber is ready to
change the constitution and pass the new legislation
it stipulates.
The deal aims to decentralize power, put ethnic
Albanians into the police force in proportion to their
share of the population and grant limited official
status to the Albanian language, among other measures.
NATO insists most Macedonians are not hostile to its
mission and points out that its task force is there at
the invitation of the government.
NATO Secretary-General George Robertson will visit
Macedonia Wednesday to inspect the operation, and
besides talking with mission commanders will also seek
to reassure political leaders.
``Lord Robertson has come down here many times at many
phases of this process and has a personal interest in
seeing peace come back to Macedonia,创 said spokesman
Major Barry Johnson.
But many Macedonians see NATO as having sided with
ethnic Albanian guerrillas in neighboring Kosovo
during the 1998-99 war there and believe it has failed
to stem a flow of weapons and personnel to the
Albanians from Kosovo.
NATO counters that its peacekeepers in Kosovo have
detained 750 suspected insurgents since clamping down
along the porous border in June. The KFOR peace force
said Tuesday it had detained 180 suspects since Friday

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